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Oct 14,15 and 16 Clayton Oklahoma


Jun 9, 2007
Reaction score
ride report....

about a 5 hour drive from Waco, but worth the trip; Friday we rode some of the Clayton trail to McKinley Rock, Sat we rode to Pickens for lunch; I headed back Sat; would have wanted to stay the whole week; thanks to Mike and his family Linda and Gracie, dogs Tas and Hunter?

and riders Pete, Ken, Thad, and Al, so we had a group of six on Sat; really pretty country; here are some photos dumped into a slide show...


What a weekend guys. My family really enjoyed all of your company. It was great to meet a bunch of new friends. The weather was perfect for sure. We seen some really nice country. The Turkeys and Deer on Saturday were awesome. We will have to get back up and finish where we left off at the missing bridge :trust:. I will down load my pics and get them up. I only have a few.
James you got some really good shots. I love the morning lake shot with the sun, Very cool. Of course the riding shots and trail fixes are great.
Ken the video is a riot. Lenda and I just watched it. Brought all the great memories back real fast and it was only yesterday. LOL
The gang around the camp fire minus Grace. She was already in bed.

more to come
Mike Green
Thanks to everyone out there. It was an excellent weekend with some great folks. That was my first ride in a group and I think it worked out pretty good. Even managed to learn a couple of things. Look forward to riding with y'all again. Special thanks to Mr. Goat Trail for posting up a beginner friendly ride. Just what I needed. :trust:
Thanks to all this was alot of fun. Mike good deal I greatly appreciate the effort and knowledge you put into this. Next time maybe go advanced the DRZ's didn't like being held back, which would explain why they broke....:mrgreen:

We'll have to do this again, including maybe a couple weekends at Muenster.

Necesary food picture (it is TWT after all)

DRZ Hiding

Gorgeous View

DRZ bleeding

DRZ bled out
Plane DR. -

"Thanks to all this was alot of fun. Mike good deal I greatly appreciate the effort and knowledge you put into this. Next time maybe go advanced the DRZ's didn't like being held back, which would explain why they broke?"

Al, 'Nail on the head' - I knew there had to be a reason! You can't fence in wild horses, gotta let them run!!! :rider:

Plane DR. -

"Thanks to all this was alot of fun. Mike good deal I greatly appreciate the effort and knowledge you put into this. Next time maybe go advanced the DRZ's didn't like being held back, which would explain why they broke?"

Al, 'Nail on the head' - I knew there had to be a reason! You can't fence in wild horses, gotta let them run!!! :rider:


LOL I am sure thats why it was

Suzuki's O and 2
Yamaha's 2 for 2
Honda's 2 for 2

and I was on a 27 year old bike.....:rofl:
The pineapple upside down cake was pretty good. I can't believe we didn't take pictures of the Pecan,Apple,Chocolate,Cocnut cream and Apricot pies we induldged in at our Pickens stop. What were we thinking. LOL I guess I was too worried about another slice.
Necesary food picture (it is TWT after all)

Mike Green
Whatever it will rise from the puddle..... :zen: Ordered spares, next time I'll bring a puller as well. :rider:
We had an awesome weekend. Sorry some of you missed it. Unbelievable food,friendship and beauty. Whether was nice too. Cool or cold at night and in the 80' s during the day. We Clayton trail and a little of K-trail on Friday. McKinley rock was our destination for a half day ride. My wife and I headed up to our 100 acres that afternoon but the rest of the guys did a nice road ride over to Honobia and the Indian nations.
Saturday we were up, said our good bye's to my family and off to Pickens we went. After leaving 271 we saw about 15 Turkey in 2 groups and a nice doe. About 25 miles in we had a site hole plug come out on a DRZ. After combining all 6 of our supplies the hole was plugged 3 finger tips from a latex glove,a piece of fuel line, a small bolt,a hose clamp and finally safety wire. After getting that back going we headed leisurely towards Pickens. I had been told they were currently out of fuel. I stopped at the store and sure enough no fuel so we road over to Battiest for fuel but returned to Pickens for lunch. What a treat. Fresh brisket sandwiches and homade pie. I so bummed we didn't get a picture. Grandma had made Pecan,Apple,Chocolate,Coconut cream and Apricot. Wow !! We grabbed our sandwiches,pie and headed for the front porch. There was silence for a while. LOL Brisket with pickles after a half morning ride. Doesn't get much better till you get to the coconut cream pie. Homade ooo la la thats till your fork breaks on the 2nd bite and hits the right side of the plate cart wheeling your pie a foot up and onto the porch. Now thats a bummer. I cleaned up my mess and headed to the door. One of the guys said you going back. I didn't know what to say but yes of course I'm going back are you kidding ....LOL I grabbed another piece but they wouldn't let me pay for it. I tried and tried. Man was that good pie.
From there our plan or my plan was a north route back over Silver Suck. I hadn't been there in a couple years so i tried to confirm which road hit SS. Well after 2 turn arounds i hit the road I wanted. We wondered up down and all around heading north. It is just gorgeous. We took a couple breaks to stretch the legs then headed toward the river. We again took a wrong turn but came up on a huge buck. The wrong turn was worth every minute. Little did we know very soon most of so would coming back this way in order to rescue the other DRZ. So u turn and back on course. We climb a little and start to parallel the Little river. We end up at what used to be Hunters bridge. We stop and 2 Texas couples with 3 dogs are there hanging out. The bridge has been blown up so the fish can migrate I am told. As I turn around accessing the area I see oil down the back half of Al's DRZ. Al we got a problem ! As soon as he see's it he says I bet it's the counter shaft sprocket seal. Sure enough. He checks the oil quantity and there's some. Starts it up to check the leak and it runs out. OK not good plan B ? We talk about towing it then decide some of us will stay, some will head back for a rescue vehicle. We then back track to the back track where saw the buck and see him again lol. What a pleasure seeing them take off through the woods !! Anyway I am winging it as we have the entire trip and head NW to pavement. Not 10 miles from Al and Ken we hit pavement. We pull in and I tell Grace and Lenda we need to go on a rescue mission. Pete asks if we need help and we say no but thanks. Thad and James are going to head home, so say we say our good bye's Pete was too but he thought he might still be there when we got back. So off we go. We tell Grace, Al motorcycle is broken. To her 2 year old response Zoom Zoom owie ? We must have heard that 22 times going to get Al and Ken. We pull up and Al and Ken are hanging out in the shade enjoying the view. We load Al up and Ken chooses to ride back. When we get back Pete said his plans changed so he spent another night at camp. We had fun telling lies around the camp LIGHT. LOL
Sunday morning everyone took off so we hooked up with a friend from Tulsa and his buddy.( Scott H and Jamie) Lenda, Grace and I led those guys up to the fire watch tower on Flag Pole hill. Part way up Scott blew out his front tube. It blew out for over a foot in length. I have never seen one blow out so bad. After a quick fix we continued to the tower. It is amazing how far you can see from these towers. It is now decommissioned so you can go up in it. Rose when she worked it used to let go in it too. I told Scott of some more trails that head out past Mushroom rock. Him and Jamie head that way and we headed back to camp. What an awesome weekend. My family and I really had great weekend. It was great to meet up with Al again and to meet James,Thad,Pete and Ken. Great bunch of guys !!!!
Clayton trail to McKinley rock. Left to right Al,James and Thad

Backof the Battiest store

Rescue mission

Al and Ken at camp left to right

Camp light again left to right Pete,Al,Ken,Lenda and James, oh Patrick and Taz

Grace on the ride home after her weekend....LOL


Mike Green
Great slideshow! James always has cool picts...but you rarely notice him holding the camera??? Looks like an awesome ride.
Sounds like a great time was had by all despite broken thingies. "Zoom Zoom Owie" sounds like it will be a useful phrase. Sorry I missed it.

Sounds like it all worked out. Can't believe 2drzs broke down.
Grace on the ride home after her weekend....LOL


Mike Green[/QUOTE]

Great write up and pics Mike!
Like the picture of Grace 'sacked' out - plumb wore herself out :lol2:
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Grace on the ride home after her weekend....LOL


Mike Green

Great write up and pics Mike!
Like the picture of Grace 'sacked' out - plumb wore herself out :lol2:

Thanks Ken

I try to paint a picture for those who not there and bring back the details for those who were.
LOL poor Grace she was tuckered out. She went to bed that night at 7pm after that nap and didn't wake up till 9am. Big weekend with the zoom zoom's

Mike Green
So Lenda just called. For those you who were not there. I mentioned we were looking for a sand box. Al said I have one you can have. Lenda and Grace are headed to Al's right now. Lenda says to Grace we are going to Al's
Grace's response , Zoom Zoom Owie......
LOL I love it. I might have to change my sig line.

Mike Green
So Lenda just called. For those you who were not there. I mentioned we were looking for a sand box. Al said I have one you can have. Lenda and Grace are headed to Al's right now. Lenda says to Grace we are going to Al's
Grace's response , Zoom Zoom Owie......
LOL I love it. I might have to change my sig line.

Mike Green

I done think the poor old DRZ is branded, well, it or me.... I hope she has as much fun as my boys did with the sandbox. It brought many hours of piece and quiet. :clap:
I done think the poor old DRZ is branded, well, it or me.... I hope she has as much fun as my boys did with the sandbox. It brought many hours of piece and quiet. :clap:

Thanks again Al I am sure she will.

I am waiting on a guy from Oklahoma city to send me the pics from Sunday but after 2 e-mails i am guessing I will never see them. What a bummer.

Mike Green
I have noticeable play in the coutershaft in one plane only. One direction virtually none. The other (90 degrees out) yah well it moves.... It blew the seal retainer over the countershaft spacer. Houston I think we have a problem....:eek2:

It does kinda explain why it wouldn't hold oil...

I sent an e-mail to the builder methinks there is a second gear bushing in my future. Well and a ring job since it is coming apart anyway.....:doh:




The countershaft drive bearing is gone. Well some are there, but not all...:argh::puke:

Ahh man

I was hoping it was just the seal. looking back though we should have known better. It went from ok to a huge leak. Something besides a seal gave way. Bummer. Let us know what the builder says..I am glad we were stopped....WOW that was a close call.

Mike Green
$500 bones more or less as a guesstimate. He said same thing though, tight chain.. :giveup: I can't see it, but I guess pieces don't lie.

I feel better about being a pansie and not towing out a little bit. That could have been bad, or worse anyway. This may be regardless.....

I was wanting him to have a look at the rings and top end anyway. Just cause. Now I have a reason. :headbang: