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A 2 week ride to a country 10 million years old

Oct 16, 2008
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Bryan, TX
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Last Name
A ride report about friendship, joy, sadness, beauty and devastation over a 2 week period.

I announced to my 5 primary riding buddies: I'm going to southern Utah, northern Arizona and a little bit of New Mexico and Colorado. I'd like to go for 2 weeks, but we can just go to Utah if everyone wants to go for just a week. We'll be camping. Mostly free camping in the forest or on BLM land. Cost will be around $350 to $400 each for 2 weeks. When, they asked? Leaving May 12th would allow all but one to go. Other dates excluded more people so we kicked Jeff out and started planning. Jeff is the starter for CMRA, the promoter for TMGP, father to six children and the father of a young man getting married in June and the family is moving to a new house. He doesn't have time for breakfast, much less a 2 week trip. Bobby Palmer hears about it way over in Georgia and wants to go. Back up to 6. Further discussion ensues. Questions presented by my 5 riding buddies: Why don't we rent a house for a week like we did last year in N Carolina? OK, the price is now $600 each. Why don't we rent 2 houses for a week each and just do loop rides? OK, the price is now $800, assuming we can find houses only a month before departure. Why don't we just go to Ouray and stay there for 2 weeks? STOP, back to the original plan. Who wants to go? Three decide to go for 2 weeks and three decide to go to Ouray for 1 week. We'll meet in Moab for a couple of days riding around Canyonlands, Arches and Colorado National Monument.

The 2 week group trailered to my brother's house in Taos, NM, and got there just before 11:00 on Saturday morning after driving overnight from Byan. The 1 week group would trailer to Ouray a week later.

We have created a tradition of having our waitress sit on my lap after our first breakfast on the road. It’s getting harder as I get uglier.

This mural was in the parking lot of our breakfast restaurant in Las Vegas, NM

We were in a hurry to get to Gallup, NM where we were going to spend the night and with 350 mile to go, we didn’t stop very much along the High Road to Taos. I had been there many times before. Also, we bypassed Los Alamos because highway 4 around town is so nice and the town doesn’t allow firearms, even on the main highway through town.

Along highway 4. This is a volcano crater, Valle Caldera. It’s been a while since it’s erupted. Now a National Preserve.

Maurice and Ray about to be obliterated if the thing blows.

Someone took the time to pound a lot of nail in an interesting pattern.

This interesting rock formation was deposited by the water rather than worn by the water like most waterfalls. High Sulphur content also. Jemez Hot Springs is nearby.

The old railroad bed, worth the short ride off of highway 4.

One of 2 tunnels that they blasted through rock.

Popular with rock climbers. I’ve been here twice and saw climbers both times.

We spent the night in a motel in Gallup NM. A lot of day 1 was spent just riding to get out of my birth state.

Day 2
On to Arizona. This is Window Rock, a formation that gives the city of
Window Rock its name. Window Rock is the capital of the sovereign Navaho Nation.

…and home to a monument to the wind talkers of WWII.


Along the highway to Canyon de Chelly National Monument, but it could be just about any road in northern Arizona or southern Utah.

Our first turn out at Canyon de Chelly. Ray said, “I thought it would be bigger.” He had mistakenly thought we were going to the Grand Canyon first.

Living on the edge.

Cacti were just starting to bloom.

There is a herd of about 20 horses to the right of the slight bend in the river just after it emerges from the trees.

The road north out of Chinle Arizona was closed so we used an alternate route that took us on 20+ miles of dirt road. We got behind schedule and decided to stay in Page. The local campground had a vacancy. We should have driven down and looked at it before we paid. Our campsite was separated from a four lane highway by one other campsite full of youngsters with lots of beer and a radio. There was also a stray kitten that wandered close to our tents several times during the night. Its constant meowing was only drowned out by the occasional 18 wheeler passing. Ray tried to catch it. I'm not sure whether he wanted to comfort it or kill it in a sleep deprived rage.

Day 3
Horseshoe bend, a very popular site just outside of Page Arizona. It’s a short hike over rocky trails with some deep sand, but well worth the walk to look over the edge. And, it’s free. If you happen to ever fall over the cliff, grab my hat off the bush on your way down. Wind was high.

We saw this rig when we got back to the parking lot for Horseshoe bend. Hydraulic lift!

Mandatory stop at the Navajo Bridges.

We saw this fellow at the bridges. He said he wasn’t actually a rider.

We got to the north rim of the Grand Canyon on May 15th, opening day. The N rim is much higher than the S rim and is snowed in most of the winter. There must have been a glitch because when we arrived around 10:00 the line wasn't moving except when someone got tired of waiting and did a U-turn. Looking forward.

Looking back.

We did meet this lady traveling alone from around the Austin area. She's camping all the way. Soozie is now my co-hero, along with this lady.

Of course, the wait was worth it.


Ray close to the edge. I'm beginning to think Maurice is afraid of sudden stops at the bottom of canyons.

Me, back in my hippie days.

Maurice does get close to the edge, sortta.

Leaving GCNP.

Beautiful slot canyon coming up. Couple hundred feet deep and Maurice touched both sides at the same time with his shoulders.
Day 4
I wanted to walk a slot canyon and I knew that The Narrows in Zion would be closed due to high water so I chose Wire Pass which tees in with Buckskin Gulch and was quite a bit narrower than The Narrows.

We came to this chock rock which had created about an 8 to 10 foot drop. Mo and Ray decided to stop, rather than risk not being able to climb back up. I went on. If I hadn’t been able to climb back up, the walk out was about 8 miles.

Someone put up a trail marker cairn, like someone could get lost in a 4’ wide canyon.

My greeting when I got back.

The climb out.

Next up, my second or third favorite national park. It trades ranking, back and forth, with Yosemite.

The dark cave looking spot near the middle of the picture is one of the windows for the 1.1 mile long tunnel in Zion NP. It, along with others, provides ventilation.

Along the river walk.
IMG_0373 by Linda Spears, on Flickr

Ray being Sylvester Stalone.

As far as we could go up the canyon.

More living on the edge. Maurice doesn’t get close to any edges.

And, a flower growing along the virgin river.

Our camp along Kolob Terrace road. I carried a single person backpackers tent and have gotten set up times down to just a couple of minutes. I usually slept without the rain fly. Maurice started doing the same and we were both caught in a rain and had to get out of bed and put up a fly in the dark and rain.

Meanwhile, Poky and Slowpoke were unloading. Maurice does have several bikes, including a BMW 1000R. He chose to take a 20 year old bike on this ride. Except for a very short period, he has owned at least one Honda Interceptor ever since I have known him, close to 30 years.
Was the lady from Austin a TWT member? If not, did you tell her about it? :-P

Great photos, keep'em coming! Love that area!
"We were in a hurry to get to Gallup, NM...." ----- I have to admit, that's the first time I've heard anybody say that. :mrgreen:

"We got to the north rim of the Grand Canyon on May 15th, opening day. The N rim is much higher than the S rim and is snowed in most of the winter. There must have been a glitch because when we arrived around 10:00 the line wasn't moving except when someone got tired of waiting and did a U-turn. Looking forward." ----- It used to be that nobody went to the North Rim, & you could cruise right in & out. I hope this isn't a trend.

Great pictures. Thanks for taking us along.
tshelfer Not a trend on the N rim. First day open and nobody had gone past the gate by 10:00.
Was the lady from Austin a TWT member? If not, did you tell her about it? :-P

Great photos, keep'em coming! Love that area!

I asked and she had not heard of TWT. I told her about it and she said she would check us out. I'm fairly certain she told Ray she was 65 years old.
Day 5
We left camp along Kolob Terrace Road and rode up to the lake where the road turns to dirt. It started to snow and got really cold so we turned around and went to Cedar City and found a motel with a hot tub. We didn’t want to take a chance on a lonely dirt road with it snowing so hard. The plan, when we started this morning, was to enter the much less visited part of Zion just off I-15 called E Kolob Canyon Road. The snow was too much for us so we slabbed it to Cedar City. It stopped snowing when we pulled into town and we begged the Clerk into letting us check in early. By the time we unloaded and got ready for the hot tub, it had started again. Hot tub across the parking lot. Short riding day today.

It snowed hard.

Only about 80 miles today. It sure did seem like more.

More snow tomorrow. Also Bryce Canyon, a thing of beauty.
Was the lady from Austin a TWT member? If not, did you tell her about it? :-P

Great photos, keep'em coming! Love that area!

I'd love to see TWT produce a TWT business-sized card, complete with TWT logo and website name - Something any of us can download and reproduce with Avery software. I'm constantly meeting riders and trying to give them the website name. Just a thought.
I'd love to see TWT produce a TWT business-sized card, complete with TWT logo and website name - Something any of us can download and reproduce with Avery software. I'm constantly meeting riders and trying to give them the website name. Just a thought.

Hmmm... I'm pretty sure we had a template at one time.

Loving the ride report. Great photos and descriptions. Other than the slot canyon I've been most everywhere so far.
I'd love to see TWT produce a TWT business-sized card, complete with TWT logo and website name - Something any of us can download and reproduce with Avery software. I'm constantly meeting riders and trying to give them the website name. Just a thought.


You can edit that and insert your username/real name. I think BlueDogOK made it YEARS ago.

These were made by Nathan,



You'll have to download the images (right click, saveas) and then edit them.

:tab I have no problem with people making their own cards. As I do have the trademark rights for Two Wheeled Texans, my only requirement is that you let me see the artwork BEFORE they are made and handed out as I do retain the right to veto it if I don't think it suits the image of TWT. The artwork in the above images by Nathan are also mine and I can give you those image files if you want to use them in your own creation.
Sorry for the hijack, please carry on! :popcorn:
Day 6
The next morning we decided to ride to Cedar Breaks National Monument. Bad idea. About 5 miles past here, at Brien Head, they decided to stop snow plowing. Cedar Breaks was snowed in and closed. Turn around time, but we decided to get to Brien Head. It was snowing too hard to take out my camera. We turned around at Brien head.

Maurice wondering who planned this trip.

Ray enjoying a moment of levity. It’s easy to laugh when you’re nearly frozen and the alternative is crying.

On to Bryce Canyon. Still a little chilly here.

Photo from one of the roadside turnouts. By this time, I had come to realize that hiking was not going to be one of our major pursuits.

Ray found a pretty lady to snuggle with.

On to more sights.

Kodachrome State Park was worth the $4 entry fee.



Along the highway to Boulder.
Ray enjoying a moment of levity. It’s easy to laugh when you’re nearly frozen and the alternative is crying.

And what's more, laughter doesn't freeze to your face and make it even worse.

What a great trip! My wife and I had planned something roughly along this route for last June, but family circumstances forced a cancellation. For this year, I live vicariously through your travels. And I'm taking notes for when we try again in a couple of years.
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Patches of ice, but they had been sanded. It was snowing so hard when we turned around that we were a little anxious going back down the mountain from Brien Head. We were not in any danger of getting a speeding ticket.:trust:
Day 7
We camped beside a creek along Burr trail. The next morning we rode 20 miles of paved road and 10 miles of dirt road before turning around when Burr Trail teed into Notom Bullfrog. Beautiful ride. Someone commented that if this were your first ride, you might as well stop riding because it wasn’t going to get any better than this.

Along the highway.


On to Capitol Reef NP and the end of the paved portion of Burr Trail.

The end of Burr trail is the Y just before it connects with Notom, about in the center of the picture. We turned around there. I suggest you ride the dirt portion of Burr Trail as well as the paved portion through the canyon. The switchbacks are nearly as tight as the Dugway.

Start of the interesting part of Burr Trail. The first few miles are just another nice ride. This canyon is one of the nicest rides I have ever done. We saw 3 other bikes and a couple of cars.

Waking up this morning was a little chilly. This was in a pay campsite along a creek. Bunk toilet and table were the only facilities. $5/night.

Start of a 3 mile hike and the beginning of the “sad” portion of our trip. These pretty flowers were beside the trail down to Upper Calf Creek Falls. There are three falls close to the highway and this one is the least visited because of the elevation change. It was recommended by a local.

Trying to make it look steeper than it really is.

Another pretty bloom beside the trail.

And the waterfall. Not much water by North Carolina standards, but we are in a desert. The water was extremely cold. I jumped in and immediately regretted my decision. Ray and Maurice opted out of getting wet.

Back at the top and ready to ride.

The start of the sad: The next morning I was informed that one of my partners didn’t get much sleep because his hip and bad knee was hurting so much from the hike to Calf Creek. Bad hip and knee???? When was I going to be informed about this? A good time would have been in Bryan when I said, “We’re going to ride about 3,000 miles, about 60 of it on dirt roads, and we’re going to hike, with the longest one about 3 miles one way. Cancel the rest of the hiking.
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