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My Ride Into Oblivion.

Day 8 (10-15-07)

I woke up feeling GREAT!!! Man what a difference sleeping in a warm bed makes after a long day. I peeked outside and it looked pretty soaked so I guess I made the right move by ducking into a motel for the night. I packed up, got dressed, and of on the road. Time to make it to Houston for some coffee. Man it’s a long way to go for a cup of coffee, this better be good!

Just so you know, today will forever be known as the “Why do you hate me, Mother Nature” day. You see why in a little bit.

Off on the road on a very dreary, and grey morning. All the roads were soaked, there was a fairly brisk wind, the spray from the semi’s was fairly healthy, and it was starting to get a little chilly. After about 100 miles of that the road started to clear up and I decided to pick up my speed just a bit and make up some time. So I turned on my GPS to keep a reading on my “actual” speed and stuck to around 87-88 mph. Now remember, this is in West Texas so the limits are set at 80. I’m not really going that fast over the limit!!!

Hmmmmmm, I guess Mr. County Sheriff didn’t agree with that last statement.:doh: He was very professional and courteous, but still even after my story of hurrying to get to the hospital to volunteer to deliver the influx of illegal immigrant babies, he still gave me a ticket. Darn it, 88 in an 80. Now I’m not mad at him. No, I’m not mad at the system. I broke the law, and I finally got caught and paid the price. It happens. So I did what any other self respecting motorcyclist would do. I waited till he turned around and then ramped it up to around 95 to make up for lost time!!!!! HAHAHAHA:trust:

I gassed up in Kerrville, and then made my way to Luling for some City Market BBQ. Finally I make it there and they are actually open!!!!! Hooray. You need to know that this is the third time I’ve gone to eat there and the past two times they’ve been closed. So I was happy.

Why no pictures you might ask. Well, to me the Q at City Market just wasn’t that good. Yes, I know, it’s supposed to be some of the best in Texas. I just don’t think it’s all that great. I’d much rather head North by 20 miles and get some real Q at Blacks. Fine, I’ll shut up, enough about BBQ talk.

I finished up eating my weight in beef and then once I got back out to the bike I noticed that my chain was loose enough to be resting on the exhaust. For those that don’t own Stroms, that isn’t really that good. That is quite a bit more stretching that I was hoping for. I re-tightened it and off for Houston I went.

Here are the last pictures I personally shot on the trip. From this point on it was pouring rain, and extremely cold and windy for the next 125 miles. And then other event conspired against me, and kept me from worrying about photos all that much.



After those pictures were taken it was a constant battle of keeping the bike on the road, keeping my hands warm, keeping my vision clear, and avoid that whole death thing. There were many times where the rain was to the point where all traffic was going below 20 MPH due to poor visibility and then it would lighten up for a bit, but start again in a few miles. This was not a fun ride. I kept telling myself, “If only another cop would pull me over and I could have an excuse to sit in his nice warm car for a bit. That would be awesome!!!” But alas, it didn’t happen.

I did see a big Yamaha sign ahead of me on the road so I figured that I’d sneak in there and check out some scoots while I warmed up a bit. Nope, it was just a watersports store and besides, it was Monday and they were closed up tighter than a Pit Bull’s mouth wrapped around a 10 year old kid…. Sorry, bad joke. But funny to me at the time, in the rain and the cold.

Alright, lets make this already long story shorter….. I made it to my Aunts house, we watched a slide show of all the pictures that I took, she dried my riding gear in the dryer, and then I needed to get going so I could make it to Monday night coffee.

I headed off and shortly there after, made it to Doubleshots. Yes, it was still raining out. I had a grand time with Bryan, Tom, Moose, and Becca. I was hoping for a better turnout but what can you expect for a cold, wet, Monday night?

Yes, I don’t have any pics of the get together. I know Becca has some and I think Bryan has some as well, so hopefully they can post them up here in a bit. After coffee, Becca, Tom and I headed over to that place where they watch football. Pizza was eaten, drinks were drunk, and it was a grand time. Then off to Becca’s place where I was glad to have a roof over my head, and not being rained on.

Yay… only one more day to go, then I’m home to see my puppy dogs!!!!!
Day 9 (10-16-07)

Have you ever hopped on your bike first thing in the morning and thought, “Man, it is really hard to roll backwards today. It’s almost like the brake is stuck on.” And then you look at the back tire and notice that it’s flat as a pancake….. LOL Yep, that will do it every time.

I’ve had this tire plugged ever since it had about 150 miles on it and I picked up a nail. So far the little rope plug has been holding up fine for the past 7-8k miles. But I guess today was the day that it was going to throw in the towel. Needless to say, I was really hungry and we (Becca, her roommate, and I) were already trying to get to breakfast so I decided to just top the tire off, and then fix it in the Denny’s parking lot.

We got to Denny’s, and I started to replace the plug with yet another one and Becca made a beeline for my camera bag to snap some pics of the process…. So without further ado, here is how to re-plug a tire….. LOL

First… push old plug out of the way and make room for the new one.

Then insert new plug with plenty of rubber cement to lube things up.

Make a funny face at Becca for sticking a camera that close…

Get a nice shot of an abused chain and sprocket.

Hey now, what can I say??? I’m in the middle of a 4k mile trip, it’s not supposed to look clean!!!! Leave me alone!!!!

Then after breakfast, it was time to fill her up with air and see if it holds….

Success!!!! Now it’s time to part ways and head to the great North known as DFW. Yep, this part is really boring so I’ll skip most of it…… Freeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy, into Hillsboro to see a very, very good friend of mine. We hung out for a while then I had to get going home. The trip was almost over, or was it.

Hmmmm, it IS Tuesday night. And I know the DFW folks are having a Meet and Greet. Maybe I can tie this into my trip, and go hang out with my local buddies and chat for a bit. So I headed off to Pappa’s Burger joint and met up with everyone.


After sitting and chatting for a while, it was time to go home and see my little puppy dogs. So I saddled up and away I went.

Yes, I know you’ve seen this picture before but here it is again just because I think my dogs are cuter than most people’s kids.


So that ends it. The trip is done, and now it’s time for some major work to be done on the bike, and time for me to get back to my normal everyday boring life. Well at least for two weeks that is. Then it’s time to take the bike to Big Bend!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA, I love my life!

Thank you all for being patient and letting type the longest ride report I’ve ever typed in my life. Just typing this for you all has done more for me than you will ever know. I want to post up some final thoughts and random blurbs in a little while, but I’ll make that a separate reply in here.

Again, thank you for being there and listening to me ramble. I hope we can do it again sometime.

Good luck, dont crash. If you do, take pics.

I read this and laughed so hard that I spit my diet coke all over my computer screen... :rofl: I hope you don't have to do that!

Nice story - ride safe.


PS You might put a little grease on that chain. :eek2:
My contribution: Bike night at Doubleshots. Note he's STILL wearing that shirt! :lol2:

Note he's STILL wearing that shirt! :lol2:

DIFFERENT SHIRT WOMAN!!!! One has a Dragon made of chain, and the other is just the typical Dragon that you see in reference to that road! So give me a break now and again. Dang, just for that, this is the last ride report I ever do!!!!:giveup:

Okay, maybe not...
:clap: :rider: :clap:

Now, about those doggie treats.........

Funny you should mention that. Max (the little Pug) was so excited when I walked in the door he ended up throwing up on the floor. I felt really bad inside. How can a little pup be so excited to see his Daddy that he just puked all over himself? I hate to say it, but I don't think I've ever felt love like that before.:mrgreen:
Funny you should mention that. Max (the little Pug) was so excited when I walked in the door he ended up throwing up on the floor. I felt really bad inside. How can a little pup be so excited to see his Daddy that he just puked all over himself? I hate to say it, but I don't think I've ever felt love like that before.:mrgreen:

So the next time I see you I should just puke on ya and skip the hug? :rofl:
Great report Bill!!! :clap: Enjoyed your story telling and the photos. I now made it a goal of mine to sometime make it to Utah.
Great report Bill!!! :clap: Enjoyed your story telling and the photos. I now made it a goal of mine to sometime make it to Utah.

Quoting a great friend of mine..... "I'm in!!!!" If you want a riding buddy out there sometime let me know. That without a doubt, will not be the last time I go out there.:mrgreen:
So the next time I see you I should just puke on ya and skip the hug? :rofl:

Ummmmm no..... it only works with dogs I'm afraid.:giveup:

Hey, Bill, who watched the pups while you were on the trip?

A friend of mine from work came over every night to feed and play with them for a bit. But this trip is the last time I'm going to do that. He did a great job, but I still think they need more attention than 15 minutes a day. So I'm going to board them at the place I usually do. I know the kind of care they get there and it's worth the money. They are my babies.
I enjoyed the whole story. Thanks for sharing. I too will have to make it to Utah.
Did you find yourself? If you did, was it scary? :-P
Did you find yourself? If you did, was it scary? :-P

Did I find myself, I don't know. But I do know I found something. What exactly that was will never be posted on a public website, I know that for sure. But I will tell you on Sunday if you care to know.:mrgreen:
Does that mean your pannier advertising worked? :lol2:
How about a Texas Chapter of CanyonChasers?
For those addicted to canyons :trust: And Utah has the finest!

For those daring souls, the Burr Trail next year.

Off road (including Cathedral Valley, another one I want to visit)

More Burr Trail.

Drew rode the entire length and camped on it last July riding his Triumph Sprint.

Glad you had a good rideabout, Bill. I wish I could have been with you in Utah to see your responses and share it with you. Southern Utah is my Mecca. I feel like Edward Abbey about it; it's 'mine', but I want to share it with everyone. Mostly those I know who it strikes a deep chord inside.
Southern Utah is my Mecca. I feel like Edward Abbey about it; it's 'mine', but I want to share it with everyone. Mostly those I know who it strikes a deep chord inside.

:tab I am a bit the same way. However, as you mentioned in another thread about perceiving the changing seasons here in Texas if you pay attention, I have found that even the unremarkable places can be really special. I think the key is just paying attention and being aware. Places like Utah, Chile, Colorado, etc,... make it easier to notice stuff because so much of it is in your face in terms of its clashing with the daily reality for most of us. Don't get me wrong though, if I get another chance to head out to Utah, or any other place with dramatic scenery and roads, I am gone! :rider:
That's the kind of trip I love. Trips like that have a way of affecting the rest of your life...and that's a wonderful thing. Good to hear you enjoyed it.

What does suck about going away for so long is leaving the pets behind. Would be great to have them with you at night, but just isn't possible.

The occasional ride with friends is fun but as the saying goes, "fish and company...after a few days, they start to smell." Getting on the open road by yourself is the only way to truly decompress and find yourself. Just you and the sound of the wind and exhaust. The only thing more peaceful is a tent in the woods with mother nature's creatures and the wind rustling the leaves.
What does suck about going away for so long is leaving the pets behind. Would be great to have them with you at night, but just isn't possible.

Actually I'm already looking into some options......:mrgreen: They are my babies, and if I could them along with me it would make the trip all the more awesome.
