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Marathon ride to Petite Jean Sate Park, AR

Dec 29, 2003
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Riata Ranch (Houston)
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Well I took the week off to spend time with the family during Spring Break.
But I figure since I took the whole week off, I could get away with taking the first 2 days for myself :)

So on a whim, I decided to map out a route to Arkansas and hit the famous scenic 7 and 9 byways. I could really only get away with being gone 2 days (my wife is understanding about this sort of stuff to a point - 3 days would not go over well).

After checking the maps I decided if I rode 12 hours both days I could resonably make the trip. I know this is probably not the safest of plans, especially since I planned to do the trip by myself. But I have really been wanting to do this trip and everthing was falling into place so I figured what the heck. I would give it a shot and if I got too tired, I would just stop short and come home. The real point was to ride for 2 full days anyway.

So I booked a hotel in Bryant ( closest vacancy I could fnd to Hot Springs, AR) printed out some maps, packed a duffle bag and hit the road.

I left at 5 am Saturday morning and headed up 59 north.
This was the 2nd worse part of the trip. 2 hours in the dark, cold, fog of deer country.
Light was just starting to come up by the time I hit Lufkin. I continued on to Nacadoches and stopped there for my first real break (prior stops were just gas and gos). Ate breakfast at the Waffle house. This is a real luxury for me when doing this kind of trip. I seldom stop for more than 10 minutes. Usually a lot less than that. I litterally gas and. go. Never even getting off the bike.

The next time I stopped for more than gas was El Dorado, Ar. I got there by 11:30 and stopped at the tourist info center and picked up a brouchure of motorcycle routes. Found my way to scenic 7 and started the real meat of the trip.

The first part of scenic 7 coming out of El Dorado was pretty dissapointing.
Pretty much just a highway through some trees :)
I stopped at a little dive of a truck stop for a heat lamp warmed pizza and a red bull. While sitting enjoying my gourmet lunch on the curb, a Mercedes comes flying in and parks off to the side of the gas station. A woman gets out, her face and shirt covered in blood. She is holding a jacket to her face, also soaked with blood. As she walks by I asked her if she was ok, but she just rolled her eyes. Seemed like a lot of blood for a nose bleed. When she
came back out of the truck stop she had a fistful of paper towls and as she walks by she mumbles, "the f#$%er punches me and wont even go get me a tissue". She gets back in the car and they drive off. Presumably still happily married ?!?!.

I head back down scenic 7. It soon left the highway and became a little rural road winding through the country. Now it was getting more interesting. Tons of those fun little 30mph curves and good road surface.

I rolled into Hot Springs at about 3:45pm. I went by the Hot Springs Harley dealership hoping to pick up a Tshirt to prove I was there. Got there at 4:01. They had closed at 4:00 :(

I had riginally planned to take hwy 5 over to my hotel in Bryant. But it was getting late and the weather was starting to look iffy so I slabbed it over via 270/70 to I-30 to Bryant. Plus I was starting to have battery trouble. Every time I stopped, it sounded a little less eager to start. You know that sound when you hit the starter, and it makes a grunt and stops for a second pause and then kicks over and starts.

Checked into the hotel (Comfort Inn - $99) and was glad to get off the bike and be on foot for a while. Location seemed great at first. Walmart and lots of restaurants within walking distance. I went to Walmart first hoping to score a new battery but none in stock that would fit :( And the Harley dealership was going to be closed Sunday. I opted for one of those chargeable battery packs that you pre-charge and then if needed can supposedly plug it into a cigarette lighter for a jump start. I had wired in a cigarette plug before the trip so I figured it was worth a shot. I never ended up needing it :) Has anyone ever used one? Do they really work?

Was time for some real food so I walked to a Mexican restaurant. Was packed but figured I would sit at the bar. Walked in and there was no bar? What the heck? What kind of Mexican restaurant does not have a bar. Well it turns out the kind that is in a dry county !!!!!! Oh man was I bummed. I really needed a beer (or 6). I was not about to get back on the bike and ride any more that day so I had to do without. Keep that in mind if you make this trip. Bryant is DRY! So is Benton I think. But Hot Springs is not.

Started day 2 at 7am and hit the road by 8. The one redeeming quality of Bryant is hwy 5 that goes from Bryant to Scenic 9 byway. Very much like riding through the SH forest here. Got to 9 and took it North up to Petite Jean State Park. Cut across to Scenic 7 and then back south to Hot Springs to complete the 200 mile loop. I wish I had the writing skills to do that loop justice. Just an amazing route. Steep climbs and decents, so many curves that they would be better off posting signs warning you a stright section was coming up. Even though it is in the middle of nowhere, there were plenty of places for gas (even on a Sunday morning in the bible belt). The only down side of that route is the perilous left handers. Perilous because there are a lot of yahoo cagers with no skills, drifting over the center line pretty regularly. You learn to stay well right of center on those :)

Wished I had allowed more time for the trip. Hot Springs Village (north of Hot Springs City) looked really interesting. Would have liked to stop and walk about a while.

Slabbed it all the wya home. I30 to Texarkana. 59 back to houston. 59 sounds boring but it was surprisingly a real nice ride. No curves but fairly scenic and great surface from Texarkana to Nacadoches.

59 from Lufkin to Houston sucks. Worst part of the trip. I was tired, nothing to look at, lotd of traffic and the wind was so strong I felt like I was riding a sailboat.

All in all a great trip I would do again in a heartbeat. Although I would love to give myself an extra day. 1300-1400 miles in 2 days is pretty demanding and does not allow a lot of stop and smell the roses time.

If you do this trip, 3 days would be perfect. day to get there, day to explore and a day to get home. But if you only have 2 days and enjoy just being on the bike as much as I do, go for it. It is a doable 2 day trip.


2001 XL1200S


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Great report. Weird about the lady in the mercedes. Some people are beyond helping. Next time on your way back try coming through Crockett and taking hwy 19 south through huntsville to 45. At least half of the last leg wouldn't be so boring that way. If you decide to, be sure to take 21 out of Nacogdoches to Crockett then get on 19. There's even a scenic overlook close to weches if you're bike is up to the washboard climb to the top.

If my bike ever gets running I'll eventually have something to report. :)
Did you get to explore the park area? Lots of history there and nice terrain to enjoy. The lodge is great for lunch; the deck overlooks the ravine. The scenic overlook, however, is gravel. No warning; just gravel road in the middle of nowhere :)
I hope to get back there in the next year or so.
The three scenic roads -21, 7, and 23- are really nice to ride. Hwy 21 is less traveled and really awesome.

Thanks for the report.
Hi, Didn't get a chance to explore the park. Really wished I budgeted more time for the trip. When I do it again I will take 3 days. That way I can spend a full day just exploring the area. Giving myself a full day for the trip there and the trip back will also make that part of it a lot more fun. I have seen several postings of back roads routes from Houston to Hot Springs. Would be nice to use one of those instead of the major freeways next time.