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Pie Run I: 5 Year Anniversary in Hico - c-c-cold!


Once again, some of the nicest people on motorcycles attend the TWTEX pie run. Yesterday was no exception. It was great to see old friends and new riders coming to the TWTEX monthly gathering. My hats off to all the dual-sport riders, even with electric heated clothing, who endured temperatures that factoring in wind-chill was well below the average of 29 degrees. Somehow, when the mercury begins it's proverbial climb the next few months, we will all be fondly recalling the pie run of January 2010 as we bake in the 100 degree summer heat :)

The return trip was delightful with fellow rider treybrad and innominate, as we did the Texas two-step back to Austin. We only had one road that was flooded and that was CR196.

Thanks to Chuck for organizing the event and especially for Chris for starting the idea five years ago.

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Here's just a few pics


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Nice organized event. Thanks for the Hat, my son says he'll wear it. Kudos to all who braved the 20 to 30 degree weather and the North wind. It was a nice sunny, cool ride on the way back to south to Austin. Hope to make the next pie run........


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I've had this event on my calender for a while and am really P***** that I had to miss it. A stupid thing like a heart attack last Monday night stopped me from going and it looks like it will be another couple of weeks before I'll be able to ride again. Well at least I will be able to ride again.............I hope. Anyway, hat's off to all of you and this is a great group of people.
I've had this event on my calender for a while and am really P***** that I had to miss it. A stupid thing like a heart attack last Monday night stopped me from going and it looks like it will be another couple of weeks before I'll be able to ride again. Well at least I will be able to ride again.............I hope. Anyway, hat's off to all of you and this is a great group of people.

Wau - that is a pretty good reason to stay home. Hope you heal fast and glad you are writing about it.
Cold shmold. G-G-Gerbings ;-)
God bless all of you that rode without heated gear, I know I wouldnt have made it without.
My feet (unheated) were a little cold arriving in Hico, but I think the old trick of slipping on a pair of plastic bags over the socks helped a bit.
The ride back home was almost pleasant, high 30's maybe?

Great to meet some more folks and connect a face to a screen name.
Thanks to Scott, Chuck and all others who have a hand in setting up the Pie Runs; mega karma points to Ed29 for supplying Mr Zimmerman a bike to ride, very gracious. :sun: :zen:
(Kurt, owe ya a meal next time we meet. :eat:)
I have to add my kudos to the dual sport riders who arrived sans electric gear. I didn't have any, but I was on a wing with heated grips and seat and barn door in front of me to deflect the wind.
one down eleven to go!!!

thanfully they get warmer from here. evaporative cooling works from 30mph and up but you have to go way past 100mph to get any friction heating!!! :lol2:

first time I have seen Scott without a Nikon in his hands!


Mr Ed's new (to him) mighty mite WR250R (should have seen the look on his face when he learned there is a turbo mod available) :twisted:


I don't know who's CB1K this is but it is one sweet bike that came out at the wrong time. Kawasaki had better timing and made alot of money off Honda's design.

There were definitely no "Posers" at this Pie Run. Yes, it was cold but there is very little that will stop someone who truly loves to ride to eat. This was my first TWT experience and my thanks and appreciation goes out to the Admin's who make things like this happen. It was good to meet Rusty and Chuck, who made everyone feel welcome.

We had some adventure following our meal, as one of our group (Doug) had his rear tire come apart. I was able to locate a local resource who happened to have a tire machine and spare tire (Metzler) for his 04 Road King. We followed Doug at 25 MPH as we rode to the Custom Paint Shop 7 miles north of town on CR 220. This saved Doug's wife a 200 mile round trip with the trailer. Of course the only tire in Hico was a white wall but Beggar's can't be choosers.

Present with Me (Mark Kratz aka: KratzMC) were Cecilia Roberts and Mark Ybarra and Doug Waggoner from Blue Knights Chapter 30.

Ride Safe and I can't wait for the next RTE.



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Big thanks to Chuck who spends a Bunch of time putting this together throughout the year and Chris? who initially started this.

Don't know who this was but thanks to the fella who gave up a nice plate of onion rings to myself and 2 others as an appetizer, sure were good! It was cold but as long as my feet warmers were working I was OK, the Body Size warming bags under my toes worked the best.
DANG!!!! :eek2: they don't make dunlops like they used to!!!

it's a Harley bagger it is suppose to have white walls!!

I did see at least one BMW with a heated seat, and that is cheating!! you are not truly dedicated till you have gotten your giblets frost bitten from the cold!!! :lol2:
Hey, I looking for a rider named David, I met at the Pie Run. He is with the Border Patrol, Blue Knights and rode to the Pie Run with some riders out of San Antonio. David was riding a White GL1800 with a Blue Knights decal on his rear trunk.

Hey, I looking for a rider named David, I met at the Pie Run. He is with the Border Patrol, Blue Knights and rode to the Pie Run with some riders out of San Antonio. David was riding a White GL1800 with a Blue Knights decal on his rear trunk.


You are looking for FJR Bandit then. He posted a lot of pictures earlier in the thread.
Lordy, I love to ride motorbikes.
Skip and I left Kilgore in the cold pre-dawn, and made one stop in Corsicana for fuel and to warm our tootsies at the Valero. It was sort of weird, riding between the frozen puddles near aptly-named Frost.
I have to admit being sort of surprised at the tuirnout -- I expected more!

Great job, Chuck and Scott and to all the folks involved in getting Chris back to Texas for a reunion tour.:clap:

As always, it's great to fraternize with a group of folks who know far more about motorcycles than I do and who enjoy them as much. I enjoyed meeting rad3766 (cool police bike) and several others.
Like several others, I had to wipe my droo1 off the CB1000!
Here are a couple of pix of the north Austin group during a quick stop along the way. Brrrrr.


I've had this event on my calender for a while and am really P***** that I had to miss it. A stupid thing like a heart attack last Monday night stopped me from going and it looks like it will be another couple of weeks before I'll be able to ride again. Well at least I will be able to ride again.............I hope. Anyway, hat's off to all of you and this is a great group of people.
Yeah...that is a good reason..mine was just too much work to get done.
Hope you get better soon.
Good times with good folks. Cher and I both had a lot of fun. :clap: :bow:

It was 19º(F) when we left West Texas. As the sun came up, it we reached a balmy 20º or so. :mrgreen: There was no way we would've made it 300 miles by motorcycle in such cold, but the car was nice and warm:


Made it to the Kup around 11:20-ish:



I was in awwww of the number of people who rode, esp. the ones w/o heated gear.

It was great to see friends there, some from Texas:

and some from afar:

The Two Pie Men:

Here was my two up ride with JacknTexas:

Big thanks :clap: to Tina for allowing us to take her ride and :thumb: to Jack for allowing me to enjoy the curves even though I wasn't on a bike.
"don't know who's CB1K this is but it is one sweet bike"
Thanks for the comment. Focus Frency. My bike is a 1995 Honda Cb1000.
It is a great bike. I use it for my prison ministry.

Bikers for Christ.
I left at 10:30am and got there late hoping it would warm up but it didn't

was surprised at the turn out :clap:; one guy on a Rocket 3 was from Vancouver :hail: and drove in from Austin

they all won't be this cold...
I am involved with Bill Glass Prison ministry. We go to prisons in the United States and links up with the folks inside and share about Christ.
The bike is a tool for sharing the Lord.
When the weather started to head towards cold, I decided the only way I would make it is on four. With spare room in the car, I asked my son to go with me. His interest in bikes or the people who ride them is peripheral at best, but I thought - possibly - he would like to see something that interests me. I was really figuring he'd be bored after a quick glance at a couple bikes. :yawn:

Instead we talked to several people I'd met before. Chuck sat at our table as did Barbara, who is new - not just to Pie Runs but riding in general.

He loved her `05 Boulevard M50...and the V-Star...and the FJRs...and the ST1300s...and the CB1000...and...and... :clap:

We were in the early shift so we went back out into the cold to look at bikes and yak. We were not really dressed for it, but he stayed out there with me the entire time. You can see him in several pics...he's the big moose in the bright red hoodie.

He's making plans now on how to get himself on two-wheels and wants to go to another Pie Run if he can - even if he has to do it in a chase-car. Since he's almost 20, there's very little we have in common these days. But now....

You will definitely be seeing me at other Pie Runs. And - maybe - not alone. :rider: :eat: :rider: