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11/2, Ellis / Hill Co. ride

Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
First Name
Just got back from riding. We had great group of riders and some terrific weather. Very little dust but we did have a few muddy spots. Some liked those spots better than others. :rider:

I had to do a little back tracking here and there but I ended up with 140 miles and we were back in Maypearl around 3:00 pm.

Clutchless Klx 250. Nobody close.


Don't think they weren't chasing here either.


Wasabi, Husky 650.


DRD, the only one with a big bike (Wee Strom).


Whitney Mike, Klr.


dirt bomb on the mighty 690 pumpkin.


Simmons1 WR250R and Mudclod DRZ 400 (always serious and never having any fun).


Jordan klr (lurker) right after plowing a moist field. :-P


The "Yeah that mud's not stopping me" crowd doing a little post clean up but still smiling.



After the ride DRD made the comment that he should probably get a real dual sport bike. Can't imagine why.


130 miles later still nobody there.

I had a brisk 55 mile ride down to Maypearl to get to the start of the ride.

MacDaddy promised some new stuff since we did this ride back in July.

Getting last minute instructions before blasting off.


A surprise appearance by Mudclod. We would sweep on today's ride.


The roads before lunch would be fun and not real dusty thanks to last weekends rains.



We cut off a little bit of the mornings route to make sure Clutchless had enough gas to make it to the planned lunch stop at Carls Corner.


Shortly after lunch Jordan learned that blowing a 90 degree corner meant needing a push to get out of the mud. The gravel roads were mostly dry today but there was a lot of standing water off the road that was very muddy in places.


Clutchless picked up big a soil sample on the end her handle bar. I wonder if Modclod did something similar in the past to earn his forum name?:trust:


We went a ways farther and and it looked like maybe we were at a dead end as the leaders had made a u turn and were coming back at us. The ground was pretty soft ahead and it looked like it may have been too soft to get through.

I went any way hoping my riding partners would help me out if I got stuck. It was pretty slick and sticky mud but no real problem for me to ride through. It was actually kind of fun.


Clutchless after surviving the mud section.


Mudclod celebrating a successful crossing.


A quick stop on the old bridge to take a couple photos. The rest of our group that rode around the muddy section met us on the other side of the bridge.


Dirtbomb on the mighty KTM 690. What looks like we are riding in a farmers field is actually a marked county road.


MacDaddy found some real gems for the afternoon route back to Maypearl. It was just awesome.



I was thinking the WR had gained a little weight after lunch.:mrgreen:


This short stretch actually looks a lot worse than it really is. Unless you are DRD on a Wee Strom with 80/20 tires.


Wasabi on his Husky Terra


Dirtbomb making it look easy.


Back in Maypearl after a great ride.


I followed Dirtbomb back to DFW until he turned off to go to his house.

Our first obstacle of the ride was on Low Water Rd. Not to tough but the pavement ceased and gave way to 2-track combined with the shadows as we traveled downhill made it difficult to see what you were getting into.

As always you may want to go to the little gear icon on the bottom right side of the screen and change the setting to something higher. I don't know why but I always get the lowest setting as a default. :giveup:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KJAxywFj20"]Hill, Ellis Co ride 1 - YouTube[/ame]

Heading mostly southeast on Sevier Road and closing in on Milford. Plenty of blind 90 degree corners on a slippery surface. I saw a couple of straight skid marks that ended just short of the ditch after filming this. :eek2:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9QDi6O9buI"]Hill, Ellis Co ride 2 - YouTube[/ame]
Thanks for a great ride MacDaddy. It was a pleasure to meet and ride with such a great bunch. I'll admit some of those dirt roads wore me out. My hat's off to DRD for getting his bike through that route. Thanks to Simmons1 for trail blazing a doable way through the last big mud section.. it was no place to get a KLR stuck.

Hope to see you all again soon! Oh yeah! Bring your best game if you wanna catch Clutchless or MacDaddy.

Jordan, dirt bomb, DRD and Wasabi (dealing with one of those pesky 90 degree turns :oops:) on the way to Milford.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8V9Ht1Pko7E"]Hill, Ellis Co ride 8 - YouTube[/ame]

19 year old Jordan having a ball on his first bike ever. I think he knew he was being filmed. :cool2:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsqiQqQf5AY"]Hill, Ellis Co ride 9 - YouTube[/ame]

Honest guys, it wasn't like this last week! No, it's not particularly deep but it has a certain sticky snot like quality. Not what you want to see with 8,000 mile Trail Wings mounted. :trust:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WyRlFAISa0"]Hill, Ellis Co ride 3 - YouTube[/ame]

Oh crap, now the front wheel won't turn!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIIQx9Qg0GA"]Hill, Ellis Co ride 4 - YouTube[/ame]

The "Over the Hill (and back up again) gang" on Bee Creek Rd. near Maypearl.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQWIv9dgreo"]Hill, Ellis Co ride 6 - YouTube[/ame]
Great stuff Macdaddy. I was so bummed I had to miss this.

I'll be looking forward to next time.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk
MacDaddy organized the "Daddy Mac" of dual sport rides this weekend. He chose an excellent route that was enjoyed by all of the great riders that attended.


Within city blocks of leaving Maypearl we were into back road heaven. The ground was moist and the temps cool.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Nl8OAL269A"]TWT Dualsport ride in Maypearl - YouTube[/ame]

My good friend Simmons1 and I elected to ride sweep so we could capture any action that ensued with our cameras, and there was plenty!


Beginning in Ellis County we traveled around much farmland where the roads had just begun to dry from the heavy rains of days prior.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBfw3tkNFJo"]Dualsport CR 4411 Ellis County - YouTube[/ame]

We rarely rode on pavement, but once we encountered a bridge under construction with a tricky signal light. No rights on red!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2S595_oXd1s"]Hillbilly redlight - YouTube[/ame]

A common sight for the day were these two, MacDaddy and Clutchless looking over their shoulder for the rest of us!


After lunch in Carl's Corner the real fun began! It was obvious Hill county received much more rain than Ellis county, but I wasn't complaining. They don't call me Mudclod for nothing!


MacDaddy showed us one of many old bridges in Milford.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roO14RVnt2o"]Dualsport Milford Texas - YouTube[/ame]

Once we reached the muddy sections, the two youngsters of the group Jordan and Clutchless had to stop and play in the mud a bit!




Here they are together.


I have to hand it to Clutchless however as she elected to continue on through a difficult section that only Simmons1, WhitneyMike, and myself approached. Everyone else re-routed and met us on the other end and another beautiful bridge.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LW-8iu6vJUg"]TWT Dualsport with MacDaddy - YouTube[/ame]



Simmons1's mud slick.


MacDaddy teases us by saying we're going down the creek next. In my dreams!


Time to layer down and press on for the real fun!


Seems like every time I put a camera on Simmons1, he already had a camera on me!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jojNEQsc26o"]TWT DS ride in Ellis County - YouTube[/ame]

We had a meeting of the minds at a crossroads to decide whether to shorten the ride and poke at our bikes with sticks!





Wasbi picked all the good lines as his Husky was barely dirty!


Possibly the highlight of the day was the beautiful tree lined road with standing water. It had a hard bottom but looked menacing. DRD on the largest bike and slickest tires was the only rider that required an assist but I simply must commend him on the day for persevering where our bikes had less trouble.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHmw2ZGIMSc"]Dualsport Heaven After Rain - YouTube[/ame]

Simmons1 quick with his camera!


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmXWMOOQF78"]dirtbomb in the mud - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Becb7Cl61TI"]Wasabi in the mud - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGlgoZKrlK4"]WhitneyMike in the mud - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrOm3WmXINU"]Simmons1 in the Mud - YouTube[/ame]

A couple parting shots to an absolutely awesome ride put on by our host MacDaddy. Three cheers!


After the mud we found a little more open and drier terrain.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42ty1Ikd1WU"]Hill, Ellis Co ride 12 - YouTube[/ame]


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSSN05V6rS0"]Hill, Ellis Co ride 13 - YouTube[/ame]

Following Mudclod and Simmons1 down the road (Lowell Rd.) that Mudclod thought he'd been on before but hadn't, but wished he'd had, but now has, and will come back to do again someday. Mudclod, do I have that right? :lol2:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DVRRzQ3xjM"]Hill, Ellis Co ride 14 - YouTube[/ame]

Lastly, I just want to say that I enjoyed riding with each and everyone on Saturday and it was a pleasure to share some of these little gems I've found with the group.
I finally made an account on here and adv rider same name just wanted to thank mac daddy for the awesome ride Saturday and to DRD for pushing me out of the mud;-) lol
It was nice meeting you Jordan

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
So how many times have you watched the video of yourself on Sevier Rd. so far Jordan? I love new guy enthusiasm.
It was great meeting you to simmons and all the other great riders, and too many mac daddy too many lol:popcorn:
3415 at the bottom center. The mud was slightly west of the road sign on the map.

[ame="https://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=32.044678,-96.921988&spn=0.020116,0.038452&t=m&z=15&vpsrc=6&ei=IvJtUovkEoiEtgepyoHwCw&pw=2"]Google Maps[/ame]
Mac daddy do you happen to have the gps track for this route or anyone else me and another twter CDK are planing on riding in this area this weekend and would like to show him this route

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Okay... this is the good stuff I know about. My favorites are in Bold.

North West of Maypearl:
Ozoro Rd.
Wiggins Rd. => Lo Water Rd.=> Auburn Rd. => Wiggins Rd.

Almost Due South of Maypearl:
Witten Rd. is okay
Bell Branch Rd.
Bee Creek School

Stuff that Looks Interesting and still South of Maypearl that I've been wanting to scope out:
Bill Lewis Rd (Goes under I-35)
White Rock (SE of Italy)
Jordan I have the GPS files from Steve.

Send me a PM with your email address and I will email them to you.

What day do you plan on going?
