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Bonus Pie Run 2015 Edition

May 29, 2005
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Out Riding
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Linda and I have been looking forward to getting away for a leisurely long weekend on the Wing for a long time. Between work and the weather it hadn't happened yet this spring.

A couple years ago we attended one of the far away Bonus Pie Runs and had a great trip as detailed here:


We each got a couple extra days off from work and decided to go to the May Pie Run and then continue on to the Bonus Pie Run in Oark. The bike was loaded and ready to roll early Saturday morning.

Day 1 Fort Worth to Broken Bow, OK.

The weather on the other hand was not. A quick look at the Pie Run thread revealed Leon had move the Pie Run in Flint to Sunday. We sat around the house with ants in our pants waiting for the rain to let up.

At about 11:30 we hit the road with a dark sky and light drizzle. It was raining light enough that I left in vented gear with the rain gear packed away. We decided to ride across the metroplex instead of going around it like we normally do as the radar looked better that direction. The Red River looked pretty high when we crossed in to Oklahoma on 75/69. We turned right in Durant and headed across Southern Oklahoma on 70. Since it had only been lightly drizzling off and on we kept rolling to not waste any “dry” riding time.

In Boswell we ran into our first of many reroutes.



We gassed up in Boswell and asked for some directions and distances to get around the flooded area. We were told the Muddy Boggy River had flooded over the highway 9 miles ahead. The detour would add about 60 miles for us.

Soon enough we were in Hugo at Mount Olivet Cemetery. Ever since I stopped here on my way to the Super Tenere Rally visiting Showman’s Rest in the Cemetery has been on Linda's bucket list.

From Atlas Obscura, The little town of Hugo, Oklahoma, has been the winter home of traveling circuses since the 1930s, and the eternal home for some of those who spent their life under the big top. The Showmen's Rest section of Mount Olivet Cemetery is bordered by sculpted tusked elephants on granite pedestals and each grave colorfully designed to show the personality and trade of the interred.




Although it started drizzling a little harder again, we took our time looking at all the performers monuments.







We were soon back on the road to Broken Bow where we called it a day.


It started pouring soon after we got in the room so we made the short walk across the parking lot for supper.


After it quit raining I went for a short walk down main street. At each corner there neat wood carvings in flower beds.




Day 2 Broken Bow, OK to Clarksville, AR

It was still pretty gloomy but with no rain. After breakfast at the Mexican joint across the parking lot we hit the road. While riding North We decided to ride the Indian Highway back over to Talihina. The Indian Highway is a narrow, twisty, bumpy road over a mountain.


After a quick stop in Talihina for a drink and gas we headed to the Talimena Scenic Byway. I have probably ridden it 50 times and scenery never disappoints. Today would be different.



As high as Talimena is we had no clue why it was closed. North we go.



We made a quick stop in Mansfield, AR to look at the map and then headed to Clarksville.


We docked at the Super 8 in Clarksville for the day.



While looking at our trusty Butler map, Brain, Dave, Jeff, and Leon stopped by for a visit.

Day 3 Clarksville, AR to Antlers, OK

We didn't need to be at the Oark General Store until 11 so we had a very leisurely morning. We headed to Oark up 103 one my favorite roads in the area.



We road through Oark and past the swinging bridge to Catalpa before turning around and riding back to Oark.



Bonus Pie at last.



Did we get in the WABAC machine?


After a busy weekend the Pie selection was a little weak.



Right before our burgers arrived Yea ha! Steven and his buddy Mitch arrived having ridden up from from Bedford Monday Morning. Afraid they were going to be late they took the wet Route 43 on the bottom of Sardis Lake.


The blueberry pie was tasty.


After lunch.



Linda and I would soon be saying our goodbyes and starting our ride towards home. We headed across 215 towards the Pig Trail. The weather had been awesome all day and would continue to be awesome for the rest of the day.

A quick stop at Turner's Bend. This is the most water I have even seen on the little falls next to the store.


Back on the road our next stop would be Alma, AR. The info below is actually pretty humorous.

From arkansasroadstories.com. Alma, Arkansas calls itself the Spinach Capital of the World. Here's how that happened. Back in 1987, residents George Bowles and Wolf Grulkey were sitting around drinking coffee and doing some noggin scratching over the question of how to put their little community of 2500 on the map. Spinach is what they came up with. At the time, Alma-based Allen Canning Company canned way over half (65%, according to the paper) of all the spinach canned in the U.S., some 60 million pounds a year coming from the local area. And if you're the Spinach Capital of the U.S., then you're the Spinach Capital of the whole darn world, by gum. That was the thinking, and nobody argued but the Texans.

Well, one Texan briefly considered putting up a fight. It was Dale Barker, publisher of the Zavala County Sentinal that sent Bowles an unsigned postcard reading "Greetings from the spinach capital of the world -- Crystal Springs, Texas," thus announcing that they had since 1937 been and continued in 1987 to be, thanks to the local Del Monte cannery; and by the way THEY had a statue of Popeye, the cartoon patron of all things spinachy, in the town square and therefore they and not the hillbilly usurpers were the true and legitimate Spinach Capital of the World, thank you very much.

Bowles tried to stir up some publicity by fomenting a good-humored rivalry between the towns. He shipped a package of Popeye Brand spinach (Allen Canning is the official licensee of the Popeye trademark.). Also in the package was a bundle of Arkansas soil and a bottle of Arkansas water (Texas has for years tried to buy agricultural water from Arkansas.). Bowles never heard back from Crystal City. I have to conclude that they would have been embarrassed to contest Alma's claim.




Back on the road we stopped in Wister for gas and a drink. Interesting name for a convenience store. No idea why someone would name a small chain of stores this. We bought a tank of non-ethan0l gas headed to towards Antlers.


Click this link to hear the Tote a Poke theme song.


The Butler Map showed what looked to be a fun road that we had never ridden before. Oklahoma Route 2 was a very scenic road with lots of sweepers that were a blast on the Wing. We ran into more water on Route 2 on the East side of Sardis Lake. Being two up on the Wing we decided to make the detour instead of taking a chance on riding through the water.



We wound up backtracking a few miles and taking 63 back to Talihina and then to Clayton. From Clayton we had planned on taking 271 down through Snow and on to Antlers. 271 was closed South of Clayton so we got back on Route 2 to Antlers.

We found another little place in Antlers that had a restaurant across the parking lot and called it a day.



Day 4 Antlers, OK to Fort Worth.

We woke up to a beautiful morning and after studying the map decided to stay a little farther North and try to avoid any more high water. We also decided we wanted a different route going home. Our options were limited as the 75/69 bridge and the I-35 bridge were the only ones open crossing the Red River on the way home.
We took Route 3 West from Antlers and stopped in Atoka for a quick breakfast in Atoka. From Atoka we took Route 7 west to 377. We actually crossed several places that had been closed at some point on Route 7.

We turned down 377 towards Tishomingo. We had planned on taking 377 to 32 and then cutting over to I-35 for the last jaunt to the house. Unfortunately for us the road heading South was underwater so we continued West towards Ardmore.

We stopped in Dickson and contemplated going up to Gene Autry to visit the Gene Autry museum there. Unfortunately for us the museum is no longer open. Wished we had gone there before it closed. We are guessing it is too far off a major highway to have enough visitors.


110 miles later we would be back home.

The only picture from Day 4.


This was our basic route:


All photos from the ride are here:


Despite leaving in light rain the weather was great overall and Linda and I were both glad we attended the Bonus Pie run.
Wish I had gone.

Going in a couple weeks when the water will presumably be back down.
Great report.

I have got to get by that cemetery and mark it off my b-list.
The water seems to have gone down a touch in your Lake Sardis photo. We hit it from the other direction and most of the guard rail was under early Friday morning. We turned around also.

Nice photos. :clap:
Very well done on the ride report. Look's like ride back was great, Site seeing, on the ride back home. Look like fun! See you soon.
after running with the final storm of may most of the way up we broke through and arrived at base camp mid afternoon.

sunday we rode across the Ozark national forest from south to north without touching pavement.

we looped back around on the famous pig trail.

Monday we rode over to Oark (pronounced "OhArk") for lunch and as expected found Rich and Linda already there.

little did we know but 3 miles further down from the famous Oark general store is a little café named Catalpa that is better.

if you find your self in the area, go on past Oark to Catalpa, the Burgers and fries and rings are awesome!
they are also open a hour later than Oark closing at 5pm but if he is still there he is not closed and he will serve you after 5.

Rich recommended a trail to take right outside Oark so we took it.




rock crawling with short legs is bad fortunately my leg kept the bike from being damaged on the rocks. :eek2:

the trail just got better as we climbed.



due to the shortage of pie selection Monday we ran into Ozark Tuesday and got our Pie fix.


I had the Chocolate Peanut butter others had the possum pie.
unfortunately I did not have the gear pro with me for the Tuesday riding.
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Wednesday we decided to go find the waterfall all the hippy girls go to during wakarusa it had started out good


but went down hill fast as we some how got off the normal trail and onto a no longer used 4X4 ATV trail.


we finally managed to find the falls.


a pack of dirty old men showing up like we had parachuted in :lol2: scared off the young ladies.

so we decided to head on down the trail not knowing it would turn into a do or die adventure.







on the way down to the falls we had to go down what had been a trail but had turned into a washed out steep boulder infested rock crawl waterfall and we didn't want to attempt to go back up it as it had bashed skid plates and even cracked my skid plate, so we found what was listed as a much less steep dirrectish trail to the main road.
what we didn't know was it had been abandoned and even the jeep folks had stopped using it.
it required five or six rocky crossings of the creek/ river with each getting worse till on the last one I took a bad bounce and baptized my bike in the middle of it.

Thursday we decided to take it easy and ride over to shores lake and to the top of white rock mountain.


it is another 30-50 feet below that picture to the ground!

I'll play Spell Checker for you... just so you don't get face-slapped anytime soon.

Hippy means Big Butt

Hippie is the 60/70's Flower Child type.

there were hippy hippies there.:lol2:
and Wakarusa is Indian for "butt" deep according to the web site
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Nice paved road and dual-sport style ride report guyz.



Brian's nuts where attacked by squirrels. They ate through this to get them. Pissed Brian off! We wondered if there was something special about his nuts, but we thought the squirrels could handle it. Oh Yea, He left his nuts in the bike tail bag one night and after dark we could hear something happening in near his tent. When we shined a light to the area there was not 1 but 2 raccoon's on the bike seat trying to get his nuts. Then we new those nuts were special.
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