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Breakfast before Pie


Nov 11, 2004
Reaction score
Boonsville, Tx
My plan* for the pilgrimage to Hico for Pie includes a late (9 ish) breakfast here:http://www.thebackroadscafe.com/location.html in Brock. If the Koffee Kup is packed like I think it will be I won't be starving and grumpy while waiting for a seat to get pie:lol2: The plan* includes FMs 1189,1188,and 2481 with the necessary short connections on 377 and 220 to Hico. Other nice routes available to include gravel if you're so inclined. Granmaw is riding and is generally not happy when I lead her down gravel roads.:trust:

Being married with three grown kids and four grandkids and a bunch of freshly weaned calves in the lot my plans are subject to change with little or no notice:giveup:
ha! i would like to meetup there sometime, for sure. i didn't even know that was there, never been.

we will head down to hico about 9:45. it's a half hourish from here, eat and then check out the bikes and visit, then probably head down to the gap.

i'm glad debra is coming down, and hope yall make it.
With the crowd that will be in the Koffee Kup we might need to think about an alternate pie source after the visiting:eek2:
Wel I put that disclaimer in the first post for a reason! I should be able to ride a little farther and faster tomorrow. We are headed to Fort Worth to pick up the daughters kids. Debra is gonna play Granmaw tomorrow instead of riding.:giveup: