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OFFICIAL: TWT End of Year Pie Run Event Ride Report!

Texas T

LD Rider
Forum Supporter
Nov 7, 2004
Reaction score
Sun Lakes & Show Low, Arizona
First Name
Re: OFFICIAL: TWT End of Year Pie Run Event (Second Annual)

Just a note to thank Chris for putting this together. Brenda and I enjoyed being with everyone even though we arrived a "few" hours later than the group.
Re: OFFICIAL: TWT End of Year Pie Run Event (Second Annual)

Definitely a big thanks to Chris for organizing everything. Alyssa and I had a great time and I enjoyed meeting all of you. Can't wait to do that again next year!
Re: OFFICIAL: TWT End of Year Pie Run Event (Second Annual)

I just got back home to Fort Worth a few minutes ago. I had 515 miles round trip. Chuck plotted a nice route both directions.:clap:


Thanks Chris for setting up a wonderful night. I only made 4 Pie Runs in 2006. I'll try to do better in 2007!:clap:

The Pie Man at work:


It was also nice seeing Russ again and meeting Theresa and Sharon.



Thanks for lunch Russ!:eat:


It was a nice way to close out my year of riding.:rider:

Happy New Years to all Two Wheeled Texans!:mrgreen:
:oops: :oops:

See, now you're embarrassing me...:giveup:

Thanks to all that came and made this event a success. What started out as a simple plan to meet other riders has grown into something I never imagined. Two Wheeled Texans describes more than just being on a motorcycle-it's the great hospitality and character that makes Texas great and demonstrated in each one of you.

I'd like to thank some folks for their help in this year's event too:

Squeaky for the presentations!
bluedogok for the A/V equipment!
Gilk51 for assisting with the A/V setup and for being a second grandpa to my girls
Tourmeister for creating this great site where something like this can happen!
My wife, Blazin' Mama for the HUGE amount of work she put into this event as well!

I certainly appreciate the kind words. I am always happy to help in any form and organizing the Pie Runs is a joy for me when I see so many come together and have fun.

Now, I need to get to work on the 2007 schedule..:doh: :lol2:
wczimmerman said:
Now, I need to get to work on the 2007 schedule..:doh: :lol2:
Rich (Simmons1) was already asking where the January 07 event will be (we were gassing up in Cranfills Gap at the Time).

Another fun event, Chris & Jen! :thumb:

I would also like to thank Trailace, rocketbunny, and Squeaky for the videos we watched last night. Great recap for the year.
Many, many thanks to all for a great time. I know how much work goes into something like that. :clap:

It was a very COLD ride back with a 15-25 mph headwind almost the whole way. I definitely got to get me some of those heated grip thingies.

Limestone County power plant east of Corsicana

Just north of B-CS on 39

Laine burning up some road.
Thanks everyone for such a good time! It was fun meeting all of you. Millions thanks Chuck for the superb job leading our ride out and back. :rider:
Chris you are indeed THE Pie Man! :clap:
I had a great time meeting so many fine folks. Thanks to all who made this possible and I look foward to seeing you again. Happy New Year! :clap:

This last pie run of the year was great fun! :party:

My thanks, as well, to all of those that put this together. :bigokay:

As everyone else's, my ride home was a bit chilly. With those headwinds my poor Strom had a 35mpg day. It did remind me that I was going to buy an electric vest. :lol2:
Our mixed DFW contingent started at the famous Minyard Gas Station in SW Arlington. I arrived a bit before 10:00 AM to find Rich (Simmons1) standing with 3 motorcycles. He said the traffic fooled him (he rides to Arlington every day) and got there 30 minutes early. Russ (busarider1) had pulled in just after him. The third bike belonged to Theresa (gocatgo). Rich rode in from north Fort Worth, Theresa from Boyd, and Russ from Fort Sill, Oklahoma! :eek2:

I, of course, suffered the 2 miles down Green Oaks Blvd to the Minyard. :shrug: Theresa's friend and fellow Concours rider, Sharon (WeeVeeSharon here, n5ck on others), had told her that she might be late. As T was telling us that, Rich asks her what she rode, T said "red Concours". Rich asks "yellow helmet?" and points across the street toward the Shell station. A red bike with a yellow helmeted rider was pulling in...

With all known participants accounted for (TexasShadow opted out due to sniffles), we were able to get away a bit early at 10:20.


(L-to-R: Sharon, Theresa, Rich, Russ)

2 Kawasaki Concours
2 Suzuki V-stroms (both flavors)
1 Honda ST1300

It was cloudy but not raining. We hoped to run out of the cloud cover and get some sun - it never happened, but it didn't rain, and the wind was not a factor. Some of us got a bit cold, however. OK, it was mainly me...

My little GPS displayed a "low battery" warning just as we were going thru Itasca but I didn't see a place to stop until we made Whitney. A couple of coffee drinkers made pit stops while we decided to try lunch at the DQ in Valley Mills.


(Russ and Rich)

Russ and his DL1000

Rich hiding his ST

Theresa had the black Concours

Theresa has custom cat graphics on most of her bikes (I love Bill-the-Cat on her R6):

Sharon beside her Concours

Our lunching put us about 5 minutes late to the Zimmerman home in Temple. Puttering down First street, I could see two young gals watching intently from their front yard.

Jen still is suffereing from a foot injury, so she and Savannah took the chase car.

(Cassie, Chris (wczimmerman), Jen (Blazing Mama), Savannah)

Cassie braved the cold wind (with Dad as the windbreak) on WC's SV1000:


The friendly red sport-touring bike set... :roll:

WC and Cassie led the way. We happened upon Bill (Graubart) and his wife, Loretta at a gas station in Hearne. Bill was on his Zuk DL650 and Loretta was in the chase Honda.

There were a bunch of familiar faces at the hotel plus a lot of new ones. Here is a group from the north Texas area - not sure what Don said, but I think Bill is taking exception... ;-)

(Don (donroger1), wife Ramona, Theresa, Sharon, Loretta, Bill)

Rich took a few pictures, too

The technical support team works on the video equipment (that's Scott (bluedogok) on the left)

Some more-or-less candid shots.
These two - Rebecca (rocketbunny) and Patricia (Faylaricia) - have some very animated discussions


Some intense setup in progress

(Scott (bluedogok) and Chris (wczimmerman))

(one picture of rocketbunny saved for future blackmail) ;-)

Jen got everyone's attention when she announced the pies

(while Bill tries aerial photography)

before the onslaught

more pie photographers

(that's George to the left ;-) - no - it's really Kyle)

some serious discussions (Gavin (skid) with the serious face)

(Cherioer and afrazier on the right)

Patricia attempted to avoid this shot

some Houston area folks

facing camera: Brenda, Brian (Texas T), Howard (mapmaker) and Jan (also uses mapmaker))

Scott (bluedogok), Brian (AlphaFire X5), and Rebecca (rocketbunny)

The big card game: Howard checks on Jan

Brenda and Brian (Texas T)

A Canon enthusiast - Brian (AlphaFire X5)

Dunno how late the card game went. I decided to crash just as Debbie (Snoopster) was eliminated from the game. :-(

Had a few folks appear for breakfast the next morning.

Cassie was enjoying her breakfast

And Savannah gets one last mug in while Mom Jen watches

Will Cassie and Savannah ultimately take over Pie Run duties when Dad and Mom retire? :trust: Anyway, the Z's have two cute young gals...

The crew I came down with was getting restless between 9:00 and 10:00, so I bid the Zimmermans goodbye and our group of 5 took off for Temple and a slightly different return route. I was cold again and added my rain jacket when we stopped just west of Temple and the Councours twins gassed up.

The wind was brutal (and cold) and was out of the west/northwest, thereby killing our gas mileage for most of the trip. The rest of us gassed up in Cranfill's Gap and Rich asked "Where are you feeding us?". So, we changed our route a bit and headed to the Koffee Kup. That gave us a chance to warm up and Russ bought lunch! (he really did class up our little group) :thumb:

We split up on US67 with Russ and Theresa heading up FM51 so Russ could stop in Granbury and T could head home. The rest of us headed east on 67. I spun off on FM2280, Rich planned to take I35W north, and Sharon was planning to take 67 to 20 to her home east of Dallas.

It was a fun trip for me (even if the rest of the group refused to make any decisions) :-P I hope everyone will get over my slow pace eventually...

My GPS read 487 miles for both days, but the odometer had 501.3... :shrug:

Looks like I'll miss the one in January due to a marriage in the family, but ya'll go ahead without me, OK? :-P
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Pictures! I'm doing my best to remember everyone's names, so if I made a mistake let me know and I'll correct it. Lotsa candid stuff, very few smiles :( If you want the full size (2048x1360) let me know.

Scott (Toumeister)

Rita (Hurricane Rita)

Howard (mapmaker)

Russ (busarider1)

Gavin (Skid)

Theresa (gocatgo)

Ramona (with donroger1)

Patrons near the snack table

Beth (Blue Bomber)

Chris's wife, Jen (Blazin' Mama) and their two daughters

Debbie (Snoopster)

Phil (pKiser)

Our lovely caterer

Randy (Cherioer)

Chris gives the pre-dinner speech

Erik (Rainmaker) looking awkward. Sorry for stealing your chair :mrgreen:

Mmmmmm pie!!

Diggin' in

Ken (TexasDR)

Scott, again

Howard's wife, Jan

Playin' cards. Becca (rocketbunny) and Steve (Cruizin' Texas)


Becca sandwich!

The card game...

Becca lost this game

Towards the end

Show and tell! Phil checks out Chris's bike.

Rebecca and Erik

My girlfriend, Alyssa

Steve towards the end of the evening

A quick break during the card game. Steve, Brenda, Howard, Jan, and Rita at the table

Brian (Texas T) oversees the final card game. Hey Brian, I still want to fix your bike.

Brenda cleans up during the final card game

Erik enjoying something...

Me and Alyssa

I said it already, but I had a great time. Thanks again to everyone who came!
Truly enjoyed the event. Thanks so much Chris and family. :)

It was good to place faces with usernames. :sun:

Having "blasted" down on Saturday in the "small cage" we took the scenic route home. (I had to get home and download the "tracks" to tell where we'd gone) :shrug:

Set the Christmas GPS for Cedar Park to get to RM1431. Rocketbunny is correct. There is a lot of construction and clearing which will eventually take the challenge out of the road. :shame:

Had lunch in Marble Falls. Had planned on the Bluebonnet Cafe but they were closed until later this week. Tried "Houston's Depot" north of RM1431 and US281. Found it with the GPS food finder function. Cool! :eat:

Tried getting ahold of my Daughter in Fredericksburg but had no luck. (looking for overnight accomodations to spend more time driving the hill country.) :thumbd:

Eventually headed north up US281 to Hico, 220-67 into Glenrose, 144 to Granbury and 377 to Fort Worth. A little jog around the loop to I35W and straight up to Denton. :thumb:

Haven't checked the camera to see if I've taken any usable photos.
If so, I will post them later.
Just got back in from my two-party weekend with 980 miles on the odometer. Had a blast as usual with the TWT crowd. Sorry I wasn't so social, but two beers and I needed a power nap! The food was great and the pie was even better. I really enjoyed the slide shows and I am looking forward to the next couple of pie runs before I deploy.

It was nice to have lunch at the Koffe Kup on the way home. Love that place. Then me and Theresa got onto FM51 and had a blast on the curves. The weather was a bit cold but an hour long hot shower will fix that right up!
Happy New Year everybody!

Great Job Chris and everyone involved. Makes traveling to Tx worth it just to meet you folks.
Russ, I'm glad you made it home ok. I was wondering how you fared after the "second" party! I enjoyed the spirited ride on FM51. That was the first time I had ridden it on the Connie. It did great but I missed my FZ-6!
I'm looking forward to seeing you at the next Pie Run.
Well, they don't even begin to compare with Brian's pics, but here's a few I took...

Headed up in the truck and timed it perfectly so that the sunset greeted me as I got off the freeway. :sun:

The food was excellent - Chris, great choice of caterer yet again! :clap:

Brian & Alyssa

Chuck and Dillo/Twit/Roadkill (whateverhisnameis)

Steve & Rita

Deb & Erik

Max got in on the card game, of course

Becca getting ready to leave the next morning
Thanks to wczimmerman and Blazin' Mama for organizing the event and thanks to Scott the Tourmeister for making it all possible. Good to see Scott and Beth feeling so much better after their accident in the Fall.

It was very nice to meet so many new people in person. Thank you, Trailace, for a supernice presentation to kick off the evening! Too bad you couldn't make it in person as people were inquiring who the great author was. :trust:

Thanks to Chuck and Brian for sharing the awesome pics and allowing to put even more faces with names! :thumb: I see some material for next year's "TWT faces" with an even greater variety...

Oh :mrgreen: ... Gilk51 caught Rocketbunny and I describing a certain music video that her and I love. It is just funny.

Kudos to Busarider for coming all the way from OK!
I made a mistake and didn't get copies of Squeaky's two slide show files while onsite at the Hotel in CS. Is there any way for someone to host those and make them available for download? I already have the other two. I still have her work from last year on my laptop & need to scape them off into a server.

If all else fails, I'll have her burn 'em to a CD (she says they are about 25 meg each) and I'll send her something MC related in trade...
(it will take some sweet talking, though ;-) )
Gilk51 said:
If all else fails, I'll have her burn 'em to a CD (she says they are about 25 meg each) and I'll send her something MC related in trade...
(it will take some sweet talking, though ;-) )

That would only be an option if I had a working burner. Remember when I was asking about installing the DVD drive? Well I couldn't get that jumper thing to work so I just swapped one for the other. DVD - yes, CD Burner - no.

Let me see if my brother in law can host it for me. He's got server space.
Chuck, I have them. Will send you a PM with the info. I'd like to get copies of them all out to Bill and Jessica. Think you can work that out?
Tourmeister said:
Chuck, I have them. Will send you a PM with the info. I'd like to get copies of them all out to Bill and Jessica. Think you can work that out?
Thanks! Got all 4 (even tho I had 2 already). :shrug:
(downloading & collecting digital bits is a disease)

I'm trying to look at my schedule & see when I can get out to see B & J again...
I will upload the slide show files tonite on my website and post a link where people can download them. I have the 4 files from this years party and a DVD of the one that AustinTrophy did last year, I will try to see if that is a format which can be downloaded.
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bluedogok said:
I will upload the slide show files tonite on my website and post a link where people can download them. I have the 4 files from this years party and a DVD of the one that AustinTrophy did last year, I will try to see if that is a format which can be downloaded.
you could either image the disc (not entirely sure how this works on the Win side of the coin) or rip the video off and put that online.

I'd be happy to offer my services for doing either to the DVD.
I've got server space as well if its needed.

Looks like I missed out on a really fun event. I got to spend New Years on the why attempting to get home from CO after that wonderful little snow storm :doh:
Oops, got busy with all the work after being off since the 22nd, I will try to get it up this weekend.

As far as the Pie Run I DVD, I just can't remember what format that it is in since I haven't looked at it for a year now, not sure if it is just files on a DVD-R or an actual DVD format for a common player. If it is in the latter, I will post up an image of it at a minimum.
:thumb: & :clap: to everyone who made this possible. We enjoyed ourselves. It was nice hanging out with friends & meeting new ones. Kuddos to our Twters who came from OK.