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Photo Assignment #219 - Christmas Spirit (ENTRY) - Due midnight, Dec 31, 2023

Jan 26, 2020
Reaction score
Temple, Texas
Please place your ENTRY in this thread for "Christmas Spirit"

Closing Date: 12/31/2023 Midnight

Please do not comment in this thread until a winner has been selected, and post only your picture and one picture only.

You can edit/replace that image until the closing date/time.

Lobbying for one's image in not necessary.

Comments will be deleted without warning until a winner has been selected.
Thank you for the participation in the Photo challenge! You have made me feel like I redeemed myself after the last one :-P
All are wonderful representations of the Christmas Spirit and I hope everyone had a joyful holiday.

Now to check and review the list -HoHoHo

M38A1 - Somebody looks like they are enjoying favorite time of year. I have no doubt the model in this photo gets no shortage of stocking treats!
SweetPotatoFries - If you're not already a photographer for Hallmark, I think you missed your calling - To the untrained eye I would almost say it's a painting.
Very Nice, and I'm a little envious you're in Rogers Arkansas.
AllByteNoBark - If this was a contest for the best forum handle you would have the crown. Ginger bread houses been a long tradition at our house with many
fun memories. The picture is wonderful, but I have to comment on the ginger bread construction as it look so well put together. It's harder than it
looks and ours usually have some structure issues that would never pass code. Well done.
Baja_Bound - Didn't see this one until this morning while trying to get motivated to get back to regular routine. Did a quick look and on to my day.
I will admit, my initial reaction was - well that's kinda odd, whiskey for Christmas Spirit? 1hr, 2hrs, third hour it hits me.......
It is an actual Christmas "Spirit"! Clever, and I like creatively clever.
Not to mention the photo really looks great - I think this is done with Aperture settings and there is a term for this technic that I can not recall.

- I pass the Santa Suit to you Baja_Bound -

Other Honorable Mentions - From the (Assignment post)

WoodButcher - I think you're in a leauge of your own! I put double exposure into the google as I had no idea what that was. With just a vague understanding I bet that
techinic is utilized alot more in profesional photography than we relize. Concering your picture, that's exactly the way I see with just a couple
"Christmas Spirits" in my system. Very talented
tshelfer - I really like this contrast. Looks like a neon sign. I struggle with getting pics this clear at nighttime and long exposure. Be curious how you did it.
Been to Denver zoo a couple times, such a cool place.

Merry Christmas to All!
Yeah, I messed up. I had a better version all queued up to submit when I got back into town on the 30th, but M38A1, who was with me for 5 days, came down with Covid and I got wrapped up in not feeling well (so far only cedar fever for me). Anyway, I totally forgot to post my entry. So glad many other people did.
It was not a very good photo but figured I would post it anyway. The grandkids did all the decorating. The daughter glued them together and let them setup, then the kids decorated. Granddaughter, 7 years old, did the house pretty much by herself. The wife helped the 5 year old grandson with the barn. She put the frosting on and he placed everything else. Both of them are meticulous. Got that from the wife, not me.

It took about 3 times as many chocolate chips as there are on the structures. The mode was eat two, place one, eat two, place one.
Yes, the irony was 'spirit' with our Christmas tree is the back. ;-) The aperture is changed (f2.8) to give it a "bokeh" effect.
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All wonderful photos! Happy New Year!

Thanks, the lights around the squares here in NW Arkansas are wonderful. I attended a couple of group outings focusing on long exposure. The photo submitted was taken early morning before there were people around. ;-) As I was unpacking my gear I notice an important piece for my tripod was missing (ugh), so I balanced my camera on the curb with my glove. I also removed a short pole from in front of the tree (to keep people from driving into the area) in Photoshop.

A new tripod was under the tree for me this year thanks to @Gravel Guy ❤️ It has more functions and allows more move-ability of my camera. I've only tried it twice and already love it.