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Round the Bend? Time for a ride report yet?


Forum Supporter
Apr 4, 2006
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Arlington, TX
First Name
Here's something to wet your appetite. I hope you enjoy.

Excited to get there.

Moon Valley



Here's what you guys have to look forward to. It is DRY out here.



Alright, off to cook some breakfast, then time to fix a broken TW200. Then I guess we'll have to do some more riding.

See ya later.
Arrgggghhh... Your killin' me man! I drove up to Denton from Austin yesterday to pick up a DRZ400E (dual sported and plated). Then drove home to Houston. Had plenty of time to debate in my head about coming down to Big Bend for the upcoming weekend. I unloaded the bikes at home late in the afternoon...and my KLR was mocking me...dualsport rider...sure...if you were HALF a dual sport rider...you'd say "the heck with it all, I'm going' to Big Bend!"...can you hear me...yeah you, the poser moving the Ducati over to make room for a SECOND dual sport bike...:doh:

Craig aka equipment junkie
Arrgggghhh... Your killin' me man! I drove up to Denton from Austin yesterday to pick up a DRZ400E (dual sported and plated). Then drove home to Houston. Had plenty of time to debate in my head about coming down to Big Bend for the upcoming weekend. I unloaded the bikes at home late in the afternoon...and my KLR was mocking me...dualsport rider...sure...if you were HALF a dual sport rider...you'd say "the heck with it all, I'm going' to Big Bend!"...can you hear me...yeah you, the poser moving the Ducati over to make room for a SECOND dual sport bike...:doh:

Craig aka equipment junkie

I have room on the trailer and in the truck for another bike and person :trust:
So, what is broke on the TW200? :huh:

Doesn't sound like it's the rider, so it can be fixed! (whatever it is)

Bill - Git yer butt off the web and back to ridin, ya hear! :mrgreen:

Feel free to come borrow it any time! I know It'll only make you "jones" a little more...:eek2:


Feel free to come borrow it any time! I know It'll only make you "jones" a little more...:eek2:


I know, it'll be dangerous. Unfortunately most of my saturdays between here and April need to be training for the MS150, I am outa shape bad :lol2:
But I'll hit you up and maybe ride out to your side of town and give it a test ride
So, what is broke on the TW200? :huh:

It was some gunk in the main jet. We pulled the carb, cleaned it out, and she's back up and running.

But now we have two poorly running KLR's on our hands. Symptoms lend themselves to some bad fuel or clogged carbs as well. I'm seeing a pattern here, I think we will be getting fuel from some of the other places in town.

Alright, time to prep the bikes and me for a long ride tomorrow. Nighty, night.
Hmmm... I'm wondering if it might be prudent to fill up a few of my five gallon jugs before heading out... :ponder:
Hmmm... I'm wondering if it might be prudent to fill up a few of my five gallon jugs before heading out... :ponder:

Depends on where they got the gas. If it was in the park then it doesn't matter. If from one of the stations in Study Butte then hauling some would help. Personally I may throw some Seafoam in my gear box just in case.
We did all fill up at the station right here at the crossroads. So now we are all getting fuel at the one station a little further south on 118. The problem only appears to be the regular gas, I and quite a few others have filled up with the good stuff and no problems so far.

And you may be wondering why I am writing all this at noon on Thursday. Well, it appears that my riding is done for the week. I was hanging out at the back of the pack yesterday, just poking along at a pretty slow pace. We came up over a rise on River Road, I was looking at some of the awesome scenery, and WAM, the front end washed out and I did a nice face plant onto the road. I tweaked my knee pretty darn good, and my ankle is tender.

The kicker.... I was only 5 miles into River Road when it happened. I think had I turned back then and went to camp to ice it down, I would have been alright. But noooo... I had to be stubborn and finish the ride so by the time I got back I was the size of a very large grapefruit. No good.

So stop by the motor RV park and say hi, I'll just be hanging out here while everyone is off riding around.:miffed: :tears:
Sorry to hear that you got hurt, Bill. Any medical facilities close to make sure that you don't need immediate attention? :-(