I always like to make a post after a successful TSCEC Race and except for a pretty glaring scoring issue that your TSCEC Crew is working on, this was another good one. The Austin Motor Sports Association, led by Steve Cardwell, Chris Etheridge, Doug Paley, Bobby Lewellan and Doug Berryann laced together another outstanding course, all the rain from back in January plus the big rain last weekend caught up with us in a few places but they have lots of very caring, experienced members out in the field who were re-routing as needed and helping get bikes unstuck. One sweep rider told he was dead tired from pulling out so many stuck motorcycles!
We had a record turnout (AGAIN!) in large part to all of the TORCS racers that we love having plus a good contingent of riders from TCCRA who came down from the DFW Area. TWENTY-NINE ENTRIES in the AA Class, that is the crème of the crème in Texas off-road racing. Racing was close and the first results that Live Laps put out sure seemed correct, Andrew Short won and everyone else seemed to be about right in the standings but somehow they decided we had a technical glitch at the test 2 check-in where people were showing to get checked in multiple times prior to actually starting the test. But rest assured the TSCEC Scoring crew is doing everything in their power to get it fixed! And Wayne’s Big-Bike Trials Exhibition was a big hit and will probably be seen at some future events.
In looking at the campground Monday morning, it was in pretty good shape, very little trash, a couple of people did leave their extra firewood that we had to move and someone on a 4-wheeler did us a very nice figure 8 in the parking pasture that we sure didn’t want! But while Wayne was smoothing the grass track he was able to smooth it out too. But was disconcerting that one person left a bad taste when the other thousand or so of y’all were so respectful of the property. And a big shout out to Reed Curtis with Modern Waste Systems in Austin, Reed came up to me at the banquet in Abilene last month, said he really liked riding at my ranch, would be doing the Sandwinder and oh by the way, would y’all like to have a comped dumpster! No question there and from the trash y’all put in, was a popular feature. You might google his company and send thanks and remember them if you need a commercial dumpster.
I really appreciate the efforts of the club and all the amazing volunteers that come help with this race! Many of the original Sidewinders (name sake of the race) were here, several Cycleland Members were here and friends of mine, Wayne and AMSA from all over Texas come to help us with the event and it takes everyone to get it done. We all really appreciate your attendance and from the posts we’re seeing on FB, everyone seemed to have a really good time! Hope to see everyone at TORCS in November!
From landowner