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I'd take a prayer or two if you have a minute to offer one.

Your twt signature says it all. Be a man of value. Our Lord will take care of the details.
Sure would be nice to know what it is, 'cause right now we aren't exactly singing from the same sheet of music, he said as lightheartedly as he can. As a musician I would sometimes get lost on the page. Maybe he'll point me to the right bar soon. I guess that's what prayer is for.

That has been my whole life in a nutshell... I know some people that act like they have a VERY specific plan and they always know exactly what is next. My life has NEVER been any thing like that. So I do what your sig line says and hope for the best...
Just praying to God for you, to give you the strength need it to defeat whatever’s coming at you.
All the best

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Praying for your wife.

The journey will be at least as long for her. If not more so.
Well, I think I may have gotten some good news. My initial appointment at UTSW was not going to be until next month, but I got lucky and someone canceled so I was able to be seen last week. The doctor there took the diagnosis of Front Temporal Dementia pretty much off the table. That is such a debilitating diagnosis with few if any treatment options, that any distance I can get from that is welcome. He read the MRI much differently than the neurologist that I saw here locally and took the time to show me what he would have expected to see with that diagnosis and what he wasn't seeing. His reading is much closer to the radiologists, so I'm inclined to be hopeful. I must say my attitude is much improved.

So what is wrong? I dunno. Alzheimers is still on the table, but there are some early test results that may be pointing in different direction. One way or the other it may be a complex issue to diagnose and treat and I'm certainly not out of the woods yet.

In the meantime my cognition is still good, but my speech increasingly has a halting pattern and I have trouble recalling words sometimes or I use the wrong word. I'm also very tired and a bit jittery but I'm still in the fight.

I was going to start a thread to discuss some of the issues, but I was afraid that it would become maudlin and also to be frank, I've been very busy. This has reordered my priorities in a big way. I have several things that are not finished on this property, and I'm going to try and make sure they don't get left that way.

In the mean time, thanks for reading and caring and any prayers you have time for, I'd be happy to have you say. There's still a ways to go on this I think.
Keep working on your property. That’s therapy for the soul and mind.

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Well, I think I may have gotten some good news. My initial appointment at UTSW was not going to be until next month, but I got lucky and someone canceled so I was able to be seen last week. The doctor there took the diagnosis of Front Temporal Dementia pretty much off the table. That is such a debilitating diagnosis with few if any treatment options, that any distance I can get from that is welcome. He read the MRI much differently than the neurologist that I saw here locally and took the time to show me what he would have expected to see with that diagnosis and what he wasn't seeing. His reading is much closer to the radiologists, so I'm inclined to be hopeful. I must say my attitude is much improved.

So what is wrong? I dunno. Alzheimers is still on the table, but there are some early test results that may be pointing in different direction. One way or the other it may be a complex issue to diagnose and treat and I'm certainly not out of the woods yet.

In the meantime my cognition is still good, but my speech increasingly has a halting pattern and I have trouble recalling words sometimes or I use the wrong word. I'm also very tired and a bit jittery but I'm still in the fight.

I was going to start a thread to discuss some of the issues, but I was afraid that it would become maudlin and also to be frank, I've been very busy. This has reordered my priorities in a big way. I have several things that are not finished on this property, and I'm going to try and make sure they don't get left that way.

In the mean time, thanks for reading and caring and any prayers you have time for, I'd be happy to have you say. There's still a ways to go on this I think.

You're not showing any signs, IMHO, of anything. You seem plenty sharp to me!

Keep working on your property. That’s therapy for the soul and mind.

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Better yet, you should come work on my property! :trust:
Well that is somewhat encouraging. I guess the more things they can strike off the list, the closer they find the issue. I will keep praying for you and your family.

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In the meantime my cognition is still good, but my speech increasingly has a halting pattern and I have trouble recalling words sometimes or I use the wrong word. I'm also very tired and a bit jittery but I'm still in the fight.

I'm assuming your Neuro ruled out a stroke or TIA?

Recalling and using wrong words is aphasia and apraxia and my wife had severe issues with both after her stroke 5 years ago. With the passing of time and the healing of the brain it has greatly improved, but there was a period of time where she could not verbalize a single short sentence correctly.
A few things in my history come to mind while reading your story. At nineteen, I was T-boned at an intersection which rolled the ‘67 VW I was driving. My head was like a pinball, smashing into the rear view mirror, windshield and door pillar. The car came to rest upside down in the oncoming lane. I thought the most damage suffered was some deep gashes in my forehead and scalp, plus a lot of glass embedded in my cheek and eyebrows.
Fast forward a few decades and due to high cholesterol, I’m prescribed statins to lower it (first Lipitor, then Crestor). After a couple years of taking those drugs, I developed anomic aphasia, very similar to some of your symptoms. It appears my earlier smack on the head and statin use had a side effect. I’m now on Praulent to reduce my cholesterol and don’t have the issues I once experienced. No telling what the long term effects are going to be, but for now I’m much better.


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Will continue to pray!

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Somewhat good news. At least it is not the worst. Of what you were thinking. Still gonna pray for you.

Cheers, Mike.

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It appears my earlier smack on the head and statin use had a side effect.

I wasn't aware of the statin side effects. Here's what Mayo has to say about it:

Neurological side effects
The FDA warns on statin labels that some people have developed memory loss or confusion while taking statins. These side effects reverse once you stop taking the medication. There is limited evidence to prove a cause-effect, but talk to your doctor if you experience memory loss or confusion while taking statins. There has also been evidence that statins may help with brain function — in patients with dementia, for example. This is still being studied. Don't stop taking your statin medication before talking to your doctor.
Thanks for the interest folks

I'm assuming your Neuro ruled out a stroke or TIA?

I don't think he's ruled much of anything out except for the original diagnosis. I think it's quite possible that I had a mild stroke, but they don't leave much evidence. I also consider that there could be more than one issue as I had a sudden onset of symptoms in July to September, but I've had some issues that have been going on for years. The speech problem had slowly developed over years, but had a sudden spike and I've had significant issues with fatigue for years.

A few things in my history come to mind while reading your story. At nineteen, I was T-boned at an intersection which rolled the ‘67 VW I was driving. My head was like a pinball, smashing into the rear view mirror, windshield and door pillar. The car came to rest upside down in the oncoming lane. I thought the most damage suffered was some deep gashes in my forehead and scalp, plus a lot of glass embedded in my cheek and eyebrows.

Fast forward a few decades and due to high cholesterol, I’m prescribed statins to lower it (first Lipitor, then Crestor). After a couple years of taking those drugs, I developed anomic aphasia, very similar to some of your symptoms. It appears my earlier smack on the head and statin use had a side effect. I’m now on Praulent to reduce my cholesterol and don’t have the issues I once experienced. No telling what the long term effects are going to be, but for now I’m much better.


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I had a bad time in September. I had a spell with real cognitive problems such as logical errors, confusion while driving and making mistakes while keeping up our finances. The first neurologist put me on a "memory pill" called donepezil. I panicked, and at the same time I started that I quit the statin I was on and the beta blocker for just that reason. I also asked for prayer in that time period and I did indeed improve. The efficacy of all of those things seems to be roughly equal. My current Doc is not a fan of doing multiple things at once. Neither am I, but was concerned and wanted immediate improvement. He has asked that I stop the donepezil and I will in a week or so, but it's a bit of a scary proposition. I don't think he puts much stock in the stuff, but he didn't say that. We'll find out I guess.

FWIW, I think the University of California at Irvine has found the way that statins interfere with cognition, but there is still a lot of people that see benefit in the statins too. All in all I think it demonstrates that we don't have a very good understanding of these issues.
I’m glad you Came back with an update full of good and promising news
Hard to believe you having any kind of problems with your mind or brain
Your writing is excellent plenty of vocabulary and zero gramatical errors
I’m not expert and English is my adopted
Language, but I read and listen to many audio books. And all I can say is that you have a bright and educated brain
You keep busy and we’ll keep praying.
Blessing to you and your family.

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but I read and listen to many audio books. And all I can say is that you have a bright and educated brain
You keep busy

Jorge brings up a good point. Brenda's therapists were all about her doing as much as possible to keep her mind active: Sudoku, crossword puzzles, keeping a written journal; anything that would keep her mind challenged. I found Lumosity to be good as well.
From a long-time close friend and minister- a little advice we shared with each other at these times (and the title of a sermon he 'stole' from his mentor)


Give all your fears to God.
I was watching news tonight about CBD oil and supposedly good results from folks with memory loss illnesses. I plan to research it and hear results from the horses mouth. I may start it in advance.
I smoked a bale of pot when I was younger and enjoyed it. Now I only choose to have my mind controlled by the Spirit, but if it works I may change it a little. Genesis 1:30-31. Hops is an herb that caused me problems in my life because of moderation control on my part :mrgreen:
This being said, wonder if CBD impairs? I know many use it for pain. I have used and use some herbal and homeopathic remedies. I do believe in Apple Cider Vinegar as a high cholesterol preventative and use Saw Palmetto for prostate wellness. My mother knitted to keep arthritis in check in fingers.
Guess I am agreeing that we can use other things along with professional healthcare doctors.
Praying for wisdom for you Mike (James 1:3-5) also for me.
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Something to consider from alternative side to traditional medicine. These steps can make a dramatic difference in dementia and other related issues.

Intermittent fasting

Eliminate all added sugar from your diet

Consume 100 grams or less of carbs per day. Your carb source would be mainly from vegetable sources. All bread and corn products are deleted from your new lifestyle.

Check out the documentary called Forks over Knives. I would tweak the all plant diet and include organic animal protein once a week for B-12 and other amino acids.

When you get a chance read a book called The End of Alzheimer's: The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline.

I wish you comfort during this difficult time.

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Praying for wisdom for you Mike (James 1:3-5) also for me.

Interesting verse. I also find myself reading 2 Corinthians 12 a great deal. I only hope that I'm not seen as double minded.

I have considered CBD. There are others on the board that have taken it with some fairly good results for various things. It's on the table for sure.
Interesting verse. I also find myself reading 2 Corinthians 12 a great deal. I only hope that I'm not seen as double minded.

I have considered CBD. There are others on the board that have taken it with some fairly good results for various things. It's on the table for sure.

Not at all double minded. To ask for His wisdom is single minded in knowing, I can't do this alone, and receiving God's strength knowing His grace (unmerited favor) is sufficient. 1 Peter 5:7 is powerful, especially if the cares are seen as thorns and realizing, the crown Jesus wore on the cross, for you and anyone else that rests in his finished work. He said it was finished, and I say amen (so be it). That is why as you mentioned in 2 Cor. 12, the apostle Paul in his weakness and imprisonment could declare, No matter what, your amazing grace is sufficient. I picked this up at Walmart I think it is newer. It so depicts faith in God and wisdom he gives us. I really enjoyed DVD


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Prayers mike.

I recommend renewingyourmind.org And get daily teaching via email from RC Sproul and others from legoniers Ministries. And the refnet app. The biblical growth and teaching from these sources has been a God send.