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Arkansas 2012 The Lakes and Rivers tour


Feb 14, 2006
Reaction score
Waco, Texas USA
First Name
Arkansas 2012

The Lakes and Rivers tour…

Back in 2010 Don , Glen and I did a few day rides based out of the
Harrision area. We rode through a lot of nice country to get there
And I thought one day I’m going to check out riding below IH-40
In Arkansas so when my vacation week got cut short again I needed
some place to get away for a couple days.

There is nothing like heading on a road trip in Texas in July.

You must be prepared to deal with the heat so the plan was to
leave early and get a lot of miles behind me before the afternoon.

Well I got a bit lucky this year. For a week before very untypical rains
settled in over Texas and I would be blessed with occasional cloud cover
but I knew I would eventually get wet.

As this was my first out of state trip going solo I invested in the SPOT locater
and tracking service. It worked as advertised the entire trip. Plus it records
the good spots for you just in case you forget where you were when sorting
though the 217 pictures taken over 3 days.

Got the BWM GS Adventure loaded up and ready to go.


Headed out on Hwy 31. I despise driving through Corsicana so I found
another route through the city. It was much nicer and it put me on the
path to some nice lakes in East Texas


The sun broke through for a while as I neared my first stop. This is
Cedar Creek lake. If I’m not mistaken it was built in the late 60’s
In response to Ft Worth’s growing demand for water.


By Canton the heavy cloud cover has returned.


Crossing Lake Fork…The destination for “trophy class” largemouth bass in the state of Texas.


On the other side looking across the lake.


And the pilot.


I made couple wrong turns. And got diverted onto a small county roads
but eventually you have to trust the GPS. Well I learned later what
Reagan meant when he said “trust but verify”.

Still cloudy by the time I got to Winnsboro.


Another Texas lake stop, this time Lake Bob Sandlin.


View from the cockpit


Lake Bob Sandlin backs up to a power plant lake, Lake Monticello.


I’ve got a few miles behind me and am getting close to the
Texas/Oklahoma border.

Time for a lunch stop.


This is what $15 buys for lunch.


Half of that was for the beef jerky.
The pork loin sandwich was great but don’t bother with the jerky.
The guy ahead of me bought $120 worth.
I thought it must be good, boy was I wrong.

Next up a quick cut through Oklahoma and getting into Arkansas.
Lunch was what I needed as I felt better and because I had stopped for gas
earlier so no need to top off below I headed for the Red River.


You might not be able to see it but there is a sign there that says “Welcome to Oklahoma”.


And a few minutes later “Arkansas “


Pine trees and rolling hills, this looks a lot like southern Mississippi.


An old church and a couple of nice sweepers to start .


And back to blasting down the straights. I’m not moving that fast, I promise:trust:


My first river stop in Arkansas. A bit muddy but probably a good place to catch some catfish.


Notice the blue sign with the picnic table and the leaning tree. Why is the tree leaning?


And back to the road after another rest.


There is a lake behind them trees…Lake Dierks . This is a NICE smaller lake
about 70 miles zig-zag from the border. Plenty of FREE amenities and no one
around. I asked at one area and it’s $10 a night to pitch a tent.

This is on the road to the Lake Dierks dam.

Another one on the road to the dam.

And a small park behind the dam.

And further down stream there is a swimming area. Note the
yellow sign and the number of people you see. There were two
cars in the parking lot but no one around.

Another area on Lake Dierks the other side after a long trip off the main highway.

One more lake pic.

Coming back from Dierks I saw a powerline opening cut into the valley.

Just past Glenwood and past the cutoff to Little Missouri Falls
I found this spot right on the highway.

The water was clearer here a pretty cool. I’m just testing the waterproof
boots I’m wearing.


I was tired and was pretty close to Mount Ida my destination
for the day. I picked the Royal Oak Motel. It was nice and cheap,
the room was clean, the pool was clean and the wifi was acceptable.

A big plus? They only require a name and phone number to hold a room.

Next up Nimrod and Nebo.
Are you using a Motocomm headset with the cb? I bought a Midland brand that doesn't work with the Midland CB! Ordered a Motocomm yesterday- waiting for it to come in to try out.
Neo is nice, check out Petit Jean MTN while in the area,

Dairy Bar in Ola used to serve one killer Chocolate Malt

Highway 9 south of 40 is nice as well
Are you using a Motocomm headset with the cb? I bought a Midland brand that doesn't work with the Midland CB! Ordered a Motocomm yesterday- waiting for it to come in to try out.

That's a big 10-4 on the motocom.

I had the same midland headset...made the same mistake...
Are you going to take 309 up and over Mt. Magazine? Just got back from there...:sun:
After a couple adult beverages and a swim in the pool I hit the sack early.
For those traveling to the area, Mongomery county is a “dry” county
Some plan to pack in any spirits you may wish to enjoy at the end of the day.

Up early at the local breakfast spot. Good breakfast with fast service.

And looking north

First stop of the day is the upper end of Lake Ouachita.

Old fish cleaning place…despite the sign the door was open.

This is somewhere along Hwy 7

What a nice lake and right off of Hwy 7. We drove right by this on the last trip and never knew it was here.

And this is the view from behind the dam.

And the sign at the dam…notice the name of the lake.

That’s right Lake Nimrod…

I could not figure out what the crane was for. Maybe the gate were
gravity gates and you need a crane when you lift them?

And the picnic area behind the dam. A nice spot to take a break and
relax for a while.

Headed on up Hwy 7 and stopped for gas in Holis. Then cut right on
Hwy 10 to take the backway (155) into Petit Jean State Park. There
were several old buildings along the way.

This was a great ride. Not the road per say but the complete
absence of anyone. I saw no one along the entire length of 155
headed either way.

The GS taking a break at the Petit Jean Overlook.

And the View

The fence to protect us from ourselves.

And the Official entrance to Petit Jean Park

And view along the park road.

And a few people wetting a hook at the lake.

And Cedar Falls Overlook.

I think there is suppose to be water here but as you know Arkansas is in a drought.

Headed down Hwy 154 and made my way towards Mt Nebo.
This road to Mt Nebo has a few 180 degree switchbacks with a major
Elevation change in the turns. The pavement is gouged out
where many a vehicle has hit bottom. Saw a few Goldwings
and GW trikes headed up as I was leaving but if you have
a lowered street bike be very careful here.

This is the official entrance to the park.

Never been to an Arkansas state park before I was surprised to see
a subdivision at the top inside the state park. I headed toward the visitors
center to see a crowded parking lot, for the swimming pool, the water slide.
Yikes, this is not what I expected. I decided to look around. So I headed into
the neighborhood and saw a sign that said “Sunrise Point”.

As I rounded the corner wow what a view. There were a couple benches and
picnic tables in the area so I parked took in the scenery.

This is the official placard.

From the edge looking back toward the parking area.

And some more of the views. Yes it was a bit cloudy but I had the
Place all to myself for almost an hour.

And a hiking marker for those so inclined.

Forget any thought of hiking. Not my style. I decided to chill for
a while and eat some lunch.

Still I can’t get used to the houses located inside a state
park. Just to the right of the point there were two
houses and one under construction.

Headed out of the park I stopped at the “handicap accessible” overlook.

Some nice views here as well. There is a house with a red roof along
Side that highway in the picture below.

There it is. I do love the zoom feature on this camera.

Back down Nebo and headed toward Mt Magazine.
Would it be the same or different?

Only time and a few miles would tell.
The Final Chapter

Burning down Hwy 22 towards Paris I stopped in Subiaco
to get some chocolate milk. As I slowed in the city limits
and this came into view.

Now Subiaco is tiny and this structure stuck out like a sore thumb.
I had to get a closer look. Well I tried, once I approach the property
There were several sign indicating no entrance, private property,
video surveillance, etc. Being a staunch supporter of private property
rights, I left.

I did get a picture of the sign along the highway.

Found another lake also.

Hang a left in Paris and later turn on 309 toward Mt Magazine. Unlike
Mt Nebo, this is a through road so if you see something you want to
look at , stop.

The first overlook was grown over too much to see anything but there
were a few others with great views.

And another.

And this is the official entrance to the park.

After Mt Magazine then plan was to ride about another 150
miles or so and be back and the motel in Mt Ida by 5pm or so.
Well, Mother Nature had different plans. At Danville I saw a sign…
Mt Ida 45 miles. But is was early and my route carried me another
direction, down 80 in between the hills with massive rain to the south.

Every once in a while I would stop and do the rain gear shuffle. On again,
off again, jiggity jig. This was getting old quick.

My plan was south on 71 and east again on 28 but the skies were darker
back east and so I bypassed my intended turn and headed towards Y City.
I knew there was gas there and I did not know about gas availability on 28.

I got to Y City and filled up and the plan was to put on rain gear a head
down 270 To Mt Ida. Let’s cut this short and stay dry as possible.
I wheeled the GS around and under the awning when it hit.

Rain at first, then wind, then the sideways rain. There were 3 Harley
Riders parked under the same awning but when the sideways stuff started
we all look cover in the store. One of the guys had a smart phone and we
looked at the radar and all thoughts of making it to Mt Ida without riding
through heavy rain left me.

They were headed north on 71 and when it cleared a bit that direction we were off.

They headed north and I headed east on 270 into the thick of it.

Heavy rain, traffic headed to Hot Springs, road construction, traffic cones,
Tailgaters, it was like a blender full of everything you don’t want to ride in.

31 miles with 23 of it in some of the heaviest rain I’ve ever ridden in.

By the time I got to Mt Ida, it was dry again.

Get into the motel, make a meal of snacks, a couple adult beverages,
a good night’s sleep and back to Texas the next morning.

The next morning.

I did want to get into the on again off again rain gear dance so
I opened my generic frog toggs from Sam’s club. These were
suppose to breath better that nylon rain gear and they do with
one disclaimer…these were brand new so I had to be moving at
highway speeds to get any air through them.

They worked great though, rode through some showers and never
Got wet or felt the need to stop and get out of them.

So I kept moving stopping only for red light, stop signs and gas,

With the rain cover over my tank bag I had no access to my camera
for pictures but every once in a while I dug it out.

This is the bottom land close to the Red River.

On my GPS you can see approx where I am.

This is Lake Fork again, the extreme upper end almost covered in vegetation.

This is Canton again, home of first Monday trade days. If you think
you are getting a good deal here, these building sit empty for all but
about 55-60 days a year. Someone is paying that overhead and it’s not
the vendors.


And another shot.

Burning down Hwy 19 headed towards Athens.

And down Hwy 31 headed into Waco.

Home in Waco and the bike unpacked by 1:30.

I had a great trip. No drops, no close calls, and traveling solo you
tend to wander to the safer side of decisions as there is no safety net.

This area of Arkansas is great for just riding around and enjoying
if you like the natural beauty that this state has to offer.

I tend to stay away from the tourist traps and enjoy things usually
not in the brochures. Like the rock ledge roadside park from our
trip in 2010. Or the river access along Hwy 27 I found this trip.

I did forget a few things to put on the list for the next trip. I always
do but then again that’s just a small part of the adventure.
That small found lake was Cove Lake. Love it there!
Thanks for sharing your trip! :clap: :sun:
I was up on Nebo in March, my parents and aunt & uncle live in Russellville not far. My aunt & uncle own and run a quick stop on the top of crow mountain, my parents live on the side of crow mountain, exit 84 off I 40.

Wish I had my bike everytime I go!!
Wow! I grew up in the shadow of Petit Jean Mountain and went to school at Subiaco Academy. I haven't done this ride on my bike yet, but now it's higher on my bucket list.