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Hand Signals - Trail Etiquette

Feb 28, 2005
Reaction score
Spring, TX
First Name
I went up to the Sam Houston national forest yesterday for an afternoon dual sport ride and to test my favorite off road sand section. I could have never imagine I would have to run ins with in 2 hours..... I usually do not ride up there on the weekends.

The first encounter was very mild. Basically a guy riding with his helmet in hand who flagged me down. He frantically wanted to know which way back to Kelly's pond. Since I was fresh, I encouraged him to follow me on the connector trail. He pleaded no more trail, dirt road only please. So I let him know how easy it was to get back and he was almost there. He thanked me and rode on.

The next encounter was a bit bizarre. As I rode from Kelley's Pond, heading to 1375 on my favorite sand - whoop trail I saw a rider ahead of me ..... as he approached me he started yelling something with his fist in his hand and almost ran me off the trail. Since they close fist means no more riders, I proceeded forward and he started yelling again. OK, I wear earplugs and couldn't hear a thing he was saying. As I looked back he proceeded to yell and clenches fist in the air like he was part of a riot.... then some other riders started coming by and I heard one yell there are about eight more. It was dusty, so after the eight riders passed and the dust settled I rode on.... so much for a peaceful Sunday.
Some pics


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That is the main reason I do not ride SHNF very often I do not like two way trails, too many chances for a head with another rider
Very true .... at least at the mx track you know which way you "should" be going.
Riding the Sam H on weekdays is usually ok. Still need to be careful though, those geezers can be a little crazy!.
You guys are so lucky to ride up there during the week. Reminds me of my old Sam Houston days --- too much riding and not enough studying.
You guys are so lucky to ride up there during the week. Reminds me of my old Sam Houston days --- too much riding and not enough studying.
Well, doesn't feel that way when I'm working Saturday and Sunday and others riding, lol.
Come on Coffee, 9 am tomorrow!
I appreciate the invite very much Rob but that means me getting up about 5-5:15 to get ready/loaded to make the drive. No! When I was in the military I decided to eliminate dark-thirty in my future life. That is why I had my own business and hired great secretaries!