Well, I have lived in the area for over 40 years, and never heard of it, until I did a quick Google search. 18 miles SE of Crosbyton would put you right around the current day White River Lake.
Wherever it is exactly, I guarantee it is on private land, since 100% of the land around there is big acre cattle ranches. We lease riding land from one one of the biggest ranch owners out there, as previously mentioned, and run the Lonestar Enduro on the property.
The city of Crosbyton has a great little museum right in town. Blanco Canyon was a final camp of Quanah Parker and a site of a major battle between the Comanches and the troops of Reginald MacKenzie.
The city of Crosbyton has free RV spots with hook ups in the city park. Not real scenic, but I see campers parked there all the time. White River Lake has tent camping and RV camping.
We dual sport around there extensively. (see my recent post about the Cowboy Grave). Mostly, I ride real dirt bikes at the LTR lease (was there yesterday).
I see that Stampede Mesa is one of the most haunted spots in Texas. I imagine if you really do find it, then you would get scared all right. Not by a ghost, but by a rancher with a side arm pointed right at you. However, it would be fun just to look for it. That area right off the Caprock formation is a beautiful place to explore. Where the grassland is still native, you can quickly imagine how Quanah Parker and the Comanches managed to hold out as long as they did.