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Tricepilot and I take off for the Hill Country...


Nov 28, 2006
Reaction score
North of Weird
First Name
Friday night about 10pm I texted Tricepilot to see if he wanted to ride Saturday. About 10:45pm I get a text back - "Where?". After trading some PM's into the evening and a few more texts starting about 6:10am, I pointed the Pig South to Casa Tricepilot as I affectionately like to call it.

Arriving at 9am, we talked about running to Mexico but nixed that idea. We thought about Corpus/Padre but with the Labor Day holly upon thought better of that direction. Bill (DFW_Warrior_ had an open invite for bbq), but that didn't play out for us, so Bob decided he wanted to pre-ride a bicycle route from Fredericksberg that was about 50 miles or so.

With that, we took off and skirted San Antonio and headed up I10 to get where we were headed fast. Arriving in F-Berg, the place was an absolute zoo. By 11:30, the streets were crowded with touristas, so we made our way to Hondo's, a cool eatery that Bob said had the best burger in the world.


Taking Bob's lead on the blue-cheese burger, we split an order of their Parmesan cheese fries which were also quite good.


About noon, we pulled out the map


Now, with our bellies full headed a bit West to Loudin Rd where we turned off Hwy 290. From there, I didn't really follow the exact roads, but I recognized a couple places such as the church in Cherry Spring where Woodbutcher (Rusty) had taken me a while back.

Along the way to Cherry Spring



We wound our way around some back roads and came pretty close to Enchanted Rock

Next,we found ourselves in Crabapple, Tejas

We were both getting a bit parched, so Trice led us to the Tin Star Ranch, a place where he recently attended a BBQ Cooking School held by the "Angry Pitmaster".




We poked around there a bit and the place was locked up tight, so no cold beverage. A couple in a cage pulled up also looking for the "Saloon" as they too were thirsty. Then, the ranch foreman comes down in an ATV and asks if he can help us. We get to talking and learn there's a LOT more to this place "....on the hill" than meets the eye. So we got the ranch tour! Still no beverage, but quite an enjoyable place to visit. Turns out a German fascinated with Texas history recreated Dodge City, built a bar/saloon and 14 room hotel for special events. Behind every building facade is an SAAS Cowboy Action Shooting range! And a replica of the Jersey Lilly and The Alamo!






After spending some time there, we were still thirsty and only 20 miles or so from Fredericksberg, so we decided to run over to Luckenbach to quench the thirst. The run through Fredericksberg was ugly as by now the tourists had only grown in size. Backing cars from every stall, people crossing the streets at all places..... just a zoo. We finally made it to Luckenbach after a quick fuel stop and that place too was crowded. Not a huge number of bikes, but certainly a bunch. Way more cagers/tourists than bikes......


We ordered up a couple root beers and found a place to sit and just relax/people-watch. I was about two sips on my drink and Trice was done with his. Next thing I know, he's back with two more! His second one went down quickly and I'm staring at my first half-empty and the new full one where I proclaim "I've never had TWO in a row.... this ought to be interesting". I was just waiting for either the sugar buzz or the sugar crash in an hour or so. lol.....

We finished up our drinks and people watching and it was time to depart. Trice was headed to Blanco to take 281 South and I just tagged along as that was the way I would also get home. We split at Blanco and I made my way through my favorite part of the ride home via Wimberley and Driftwood.

Overall impressions on the day? Trice is a hoot to ride with and I appreciate his leading me to places that were just beautiful on such a nice day to ride. Sure beats the heck out of sitting in front of the computer all day.

Temps were cool enough to make this easy loop really enjoyable.

Bonus: leaving Hondo's just when a posse of about 30 bikers walk in to order lunch.

Bonus: not trying to park and walk around F'burg on a Saturday on Labor Day Weekend when every human being in Texas is out and about.

Bonus: Tin Star Ranch without Angry Pitmaster Dude

Bonus: views of ERock from Weigehausen Rd.

Bonus: deciding to ride on Saturday at about 10 PM the night before.

Bonus: Hill Country churches built by German settlers around 1850.

Bonus: dry river crossings with a steep upslope that you take while standing on the pegs as the forks compress.

Bonus: revisiting a bike loop ridden about 10 years ago.

Bonus: sugar rush on root beer at Lukenbach
Was up there about three week ago exploring. See ya'll made it to Tin Starr too. Cool place. .. I got the lady to haul me around the place in a Ranger and give me a guided tour. Sure was hot though. :giveup:
Good choice in Root Beer, Henry Weinhard's is high up there on my list.
Great pictures. Been years since I've been in that area. BMW rallies at Fredricksburg gave the locals a chance to really show you the area. Kinda miss them days.
Cool and Refreshing

Hondo's served up this nice non-alcoholic beer that went well with their signature burger. If you like the taste of beer but don't want the buzz while riding, this is an excellent choice.

Re: Cool and Refreshing

Hondo's served up this nice non-alcoholic beer that went well with their signature burger. If you like the taste of beer but don't want the buzz while riding, this is an excellent choice.


Near Beer!

I accidentially bought some near beer - Pabst's and it was swill. I am glad you posted this and I will try it next time in the area.
Re: Cool and Refreshing

Near Beer!

I accidentially bought some near beer - Pabst's and it was swill. I am glad you posted this and I will try it next time in the area.

Fredericksburg, being a German settlement, is probably the reason this Munich-based brewery beer was chosen for Hondo's. Or not, it's just a guess.

That said, I've tried quite a few non-alcoholic beers, and yes, many don't taste that great. This one isn't perfect either, but I think one has to adjust one's thinking when "settling" for a "beer" like this. It was close enough and complemented the meal nicely.

Hint: when it comes to non-acoholic beer, cold is your friend. The colder you drink it, the better it tastes.
Hondo's Parmesan Potato Crisps

Hondo's offers several different baskets of fresh-made fried sides, this is one of them. Beware one order easily serves at least three hungry diners, so plan accordingly. Very tasty dipped into ketchup or mayo.

Happy riding days are returning: the cool, crisp scented air of the Hill Country, along with the colors of fall. A glorious time to ride a national treasure.

Heard that. I took a little 350 mile lunch loop over to Fayetteville on the Geezer Glide Sunday. Really nice day, not the scenery you two got to enjoy but fun for this coastal rider none the less.

And those chips, man, sure wish carbs were on my diet... :eat:

That route is too direct, not enough FMs. Gotta throw 1462, 1458, 529, 1291 and a whole bunch more before it gets to the tree fiddy mark from my cassa. :trust:

Fayetteville is a pretty cool little town. So are several others out there, you just don`t (arrgh! fireox is in some sort of duffass mode right now and won`t allow normal punctuation :headbang:) hear allot about them. The hill country overshadows due to the popularity with bikers. Lots of nice rides once you get north of I10.