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Photo Assignment #192 - "Texas Strong" (Assignment)

Sep 11, 2006
Reaction score
Houston, TX
First Name
Last Name
This assignment was inspired in light of the recent events after the hit Texas had from Hurricane Harvey. Similar to the recent "America The Great" assignment, but let's make this one about Texas. Your shot does not have to be hurricane or recovery related. All I'm looking for is Texas pride in your photo. There's many different directions this one can go, and I welcome them all.

Specifics for this assignment:

1) Camera phone, point & shoot, DSLR, iPad, or even film; all shooters are welcome and encouraged to participate!

2) Post processing is allowed for this assignment.

3) All forum posting rules apply regarding suitability of an image to post.

4) Your photograph for the entry has to have been taken between now and midnight/2400, October 16, 2017.
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Not trying to exclude achesley, Tracker, or any other current out-of-staters! I know y'all are creative enough to come up with something.
Shoot, almost forgot about this. Hopefully I can get something this weekend while out and about with some in-laws.
Shoot, we're not going to the State Fair until the 14th or 15th.
I've forgot about this as well. :oops:

Should we (I) extend the deadline?
Por favor! We're taking the A6000 and D90 for a spin at the Fair.
So far, have not seen anything Texas related. Laying off my usual run along the coast to P.A. and up though Orange for a ride about due to clean up and rebuild operation I'm sure are happening on that route. I keep a camera in my tank bag ( swap it from bike to bike ) , my car and my truck. plus two in the house and my cell phone. Just no opportunities yet. We'll see where the winds of fate blow me today. Maybe towards the border that about 85 miles away and I really really hate The 10.
I've got a concept floating around in my head I hope to execute Sunday afternoon. We'll see how that works out.
I've got a concept floating around in my head I hope to execute Sunday afternoon. We'll see how that works out.

Scott, if you agree with extending the deadline, feel free to edit the Entry thread's date to 10/16/2017.
Well, my planned shoot on Sunday didn't happen. I learned a friend of mine who's only 54 had a significant brain aneurysm late Saturday night so I went to the hospital instead to be with his family. Way too young for stuff like this to happen... :tears:
Well, my planned shoot on Sunday didn't happen. I learned a friend of mine who's only 54 had a significant brain aneurysm late Saturday night so I went to the hospital instead to be with his family. Way too young for stuff like this to happen... :tears:

Sorry to hear that, Scott. Life, indeed, is fragile and short, much more than we realize. :(